Ah… Blissful

I don’t know why it is… but no sleep plus disciplined, concentrated, uninterrupted work on the book is just about some of the most satisfying energy I know.

I did get 2.5 hours’ sleep this morning, which was nice. Keith’s cell phone woke me up. We have our phone-phone turned off while I finish the book. No time for conversation. No time for screening. We’ll deal with it all when the book is in the printers’ hands. It’s just too close to being done for me to lose focus on the project now.

Major thank yous to my friends who have pitched in to do reviews, edits, and research for the book. Wow! I am blessed to know some really talented, dedicated people who are also very unselfish and willing to work for free. Okay, okay… there’s a “thank you” in the credits somewhere, I’m sure.

Now, when we win the Saturday Lotto (estimated currently around $90M), I will buy something pretty for everyone who has helped make this book possible. Won’t that be fun?

Okay. Back to work. Glad I love my work. Love my life too. It’s good to be… yeah. I’m happy.

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