Gearing up to work three days in the office over at Back Stage West. I like going in every once in a while, to see what the world is like from the office side of things. Three days ought to do it.
Also going to pet-sit for a week. Two cute dogs. It’ll be fun. Another little change of pace thing I like to do.
This weekend will be the Judges Screening portion of the ActorsBone ShortsFest. Our screeners have been so rockstar about everything. They’ve worked hard to get us to the point where we only need judges to screen the Top 20, which should be less painful than screening every single entry, as you can imagine. We’re very excited about the film fest. It’s really going to happen! And that’s something we can all be proud of.
Got a new neighbor here in the Hollywood Hills this weekend. Keith met her. He did the whole, “Here’s who we are, where we live, what we do,” thing…and she countered with nada. No info whatsoever. What is UP with people? That’s the second time that happened to Keith. I asked him to try and get someone’s name for me at the casting director panel last week, as I’d forgotten it. He went up, introduced himself and welcomed the gal. Nope. She shook his hand and said thank you. What is your name?! Don’t people know this?
Anyway, now Keith wants to bake the chick cookies. Whatever. I’m premenstrual. Those cookies are MINE!
Of course, what I really need to know is: how long before I get a garage spot?
Keith has an audition tomorrow for a commercial or something. He’s going straight to callback level, due to having met the casting director at the panel last week. Woo hoo! His play is in the rehearsal process now, and he’s very happy with how it’s going. He starts the play alone on stage, and has the last line. Very cool.
Please say a little prayer for the mighty TicTac. She is sick. She is 13-years-old and then some, and with all the miles Keith is putting on her, well…she needs some work. Ooh, prosperity, come on down!
Cricket Feet is down, so anyone who’s been trying to reach us with Cricket Feet contact information or even trying to access the site for the book (yes, this timing really really really sucks), please be patient and keep on trying.
Here’s a tip for you good folks: if you register your domain with Names4Ever and then a year later, when it comes up for renewal, you decide to transfer the registration over to the same company that provides the server space, make sure you remember this: Names4Ever will hold your domain name hostage and demand a high ransom in order to ever let you switch it over!!!!! Outrageous, but true! Effers.
Okay, enough of this. Time to get to the really important part…the quizzes! Woo hoo!
What Office Space character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *
brought to you by Quizilla
*** Which Cocktail Are You?! ***
brought to you by Quizilla
That ought to do it for now. I need to update the bonsite while I’m on dialup this week. Audi!
The Book Is Coming!
Rose Knows: “All in all, people are weird. Thus, literature.” – November, 2002, Somesuch-Whatnot
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