‘Bout to Get Crazy

I know, I know… it’s always crazy, right?

But man, it’s about to get way way waaaaay kicked into high gear. Cool.

Both speaking engagements last week were rockstar. So much fun. And our trip east is getting more and more jam-packed with activity. THANK YOU to everyone who is helping us make this happen. So excited!!

On my way this afternoon to the staged reading for the feature film I’m casting. Pretty dang excited. Need to make the industry check-in list and make sure my 8mm camera still works. Tee hee.

Oh, and I got a new toy. Yep. That Treo I’ve been lusting over… the one that — when I saw it in person in January — underwhelmed me completely… has been on my mind non-stop, so I finally buckled and bought the damn thing. WOW. Such a cool piece of technology. What it really came down to was this: I didn’t want to take the Chicklet on the trip east. Now I don’t have to. I can take the Treo instead (I’ll name it later… it took awhile for the Chicklet’s name to emerge and even longer for the TicTac’s name to become evident).

Okay… work to do. Meanwhile, I took a snapshot of my Friendster profile so that I could enjoy a “moment in history” when I feel blue. Hey… sometimes I feel blue. Pff. You’ll have to actually GO to my Friendster profile at Friendster.com in order to have any of the links active. This is just an archive thingy. Got it?

Oh, man… I am just so frickin’ happy I can’t stand it. That’s awesome. Happy Happy Happy and so excited about the trip east!! Woo hoo!!

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