Man, if copyright law had been explained in comic book form when I was in J-school, I might’ve really enjoyed my CommLaw class a whole heck of a lot more. Duke’s “text” on the subject…
Browsing Category Geeky Stuff
A New Thing
So, I totally forgot about this, but in the spirit of my NBF KiKi and his Year of New Things, I made a note of a new thing I did while in San Diego. Ready?…
Back from San D. Time for 90210!
Hi y’all! I’m back! And what was waiting for me when I returned? A stack of 90210 trivia from Halacious P. Woo hoo! Hal challenged me due to my comment in my last post about…
C’mon People, Represent!
Seriously. I am fascinated by the fact that someone who is 10,375 miles away from me has visited my blog this week. FASCINATED. So, it’s not that I’m thinking I SHOULD have visitors from (well,…
New Favorite Thing
Yes, I realize I title a lot of blog entries, “New Favorite Thing.” Can’t help it. I’m fickle like that and I frequently have new favorite things. I think that’s a wonderful quality. But on…
How to Make Me Happy for Three Bucks
Buy me something way geeky, way useful, and way cheap. You’ll have my heart forever. See, people love their iPods. They even dress like them for Halloween. So cool. Well, I got my first iPod…
Two Days of Driving
Well, actually it’s two days of guest-speaking, but there’s also the driving to get there. That’s from mi casa to Moorpark College. It’s way far. Way. But it’s not the far I dislike. It’s the…
Thanks, SiteMeter!
Bye-bye BlogPatrol. You sucked too hard for too long. Thanks, SiteMeter, for rocking just as hard, and quickly. Much mo’ better! BTW–still ill. Bleh! Um. How much NyQuil is too much?