So, this isn’t news. We are constantly making little decisions — choices — that are creating shifts in who we are or whom we will become. Constantly. It’s overwhelming if you really think about it….
Browsing Category JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind
5 Tips for Surviving Small Business Growth
Once available at Biznik (R.I.P. 12/31/14), I’m now featuring my article Make It or Break It: Five Tips for Surviving Small Business Growth here. Check it out at the Internet Archive for all the comments…
Feedback on Incorporate
This week’s Your Turn is all about last week’s column: Incorporate. Bonnie, Oh-em-gee. LOVED your articles on the incorporating and receipts. I went off and bought the book you suggested to us in class and…
Every year, I receive thank-you notes from creatives who heard me talk about the value in incorporating, looked into it, did so, and immediately started saving money. Every year, I also hear from folks who…
Okay, so here’s the post in which I explain our decision to go receipt-free in 2011 and why I still contend it was a really great decision. [Disclaimer: I am neither a lawyer nor an…
Thinkin’ Lincoln
Tim Dunigan shared the simplest savings plan in the world with the audience of Your Actor MBA on July 17, 2010 (tape day for this particular episode). On that day, I started Thinkin’ Lincoln and…
Monetizing Your Voice
Once available at Editor Unleashed (R.I.P. 2010), I’m now featuring my article Monetizing Your Voice here. Check it out at the Internet Archive for all the comments and such. Not too long ago, I spoke…