Okay, I’m seriously over these people. So, this Georgia chick is overwhelmed by the fact that she’s getting married and has invited 600 people to the wedding. So, she runs away from home (leaving no…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Mr. Blue Sky
Something so wonderful about having signed off on the book, having *gulp* paid for the printing of the book, and waking up to a gorgeous, blue sky day. Fun fact: my first concert was ELO…
I Also Want…
Yes, I’m realizing I’m awfully want-y lately. But I’ve been reading about this film over on a Canadian actors discussion forum. I’d like to see this. But it’s Canadian. And NBC told DirecTV to take…
I Want…
This camera. It looks way cool. Make note, Santa. Thanks.
And… They’re OFF!
Paul Revere had his Midnight Run. Mine was to Kinko’s. And $109 (and 40 minutes) later, the typeset book was copied thrice for my Queens of Style (Courtney, Nini, and Robin), who will now give…
I Have/I Need
I have… five new chapters that need a once-over. I need… volunteers who can each read and proof a chapter and turn around comments/notes to me within 15 hours. Any takers? (Click the book and…
No Time To Blog
Until the book is in the printer’s hands, I have no time to blog. So… …’til I can steal another moment away, I’ll tell yaz that you must read this stuff: Courtney Spies (about her…
I Love You, Pink Dot
I love you, Pink Dot. You take care of me. You come over and bring me things like a yummy salad with fresh avocado, boiled egg whites, crispy bacon, and ripe tomatoes. Yum! I thank…
20 Hours Computer-Free
I turned off my computer 20 hours ago. I slept for six hours and here’s what I did-slash-observed during the other 14. (Note: I did not get any phone calls returned. *sigh*) 1. Dined out…