There are people who only care about me to the extent that I can give them something. Once I have run out of what I’ve been giving them, I am no longer cared for and…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Amazing, that darn RACE
I love this damn show. The Amazing Race 7 kicked off tonight. If I’m going to cry every time Uchena & Joyce talk about their aching need to have a baby and every time Ron…
Calling All Photoshoppers
Hey. I need some low-level hand-holding in Photoshop 7 for Mac OSX. I need to replace a background (one color for another) and modify some text that appears on top of the background. I also…
What a Beautiful Day!
It’s just seriously gorgeous out. Wow. I love days like today. Windows open, kids playing, ocean breeze coming through and making me happy to be alive. A full day of America’s Next Top Model 3…
Many Things
1. There is such a thing as too much tequila. Ow. 2. Constance may have less of a hangover than I do. I know Keith and Liz are safe. Bob is definitely used to this…
It’s Valentine’s Day!
So, it’s Valentine’s Day, which is pretty ho-hum. Except that this year we’re going to brave the wilds of the local trendiati and explore gluten-free vodkas at my favorite martini bar. Voda is just under…
TV, TiVo, and Thwok
Generally, Inside the Actors Studio is heavy on the pretention and that’s something I don’t prefer in my Hollywood breakfast cereal. That said, Jamie Foxx keeps rocking my world, and his appearance on this show…
Cool Stuff from Across the Pond
So, I was going back through some COMMENTS links to see who has been commenting at the BonBlogs and what their sites look like and all of that and came across this guy named Cliff…