Nabbed from Chipperdoodle: You are KERMIT! Interesting, considering the layst time I took this test (nearly three years ago), I was Fozzie. So, is the quizaverse saying I’ve changed? Oh, and in deep conversation with…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Friday Night Items
Item One: Awesome friend-for-21-years goes in for the lead in a pilot. Exec prod? Awesome other friend-for-19-years. What do they talk about? Me. How do I know? Phone call. “Just wanted to let you know…
Extra-Bloggy Today
So, I’m just writing it all up, eh? Last night, Keith and I had a romantic date at PF Chang’s. They have a gluten-free menu. Holy bejeebus, was that food GOOD! I had no idea…
Yeah, Chip. You got that right! Yeah. That’s some hardcore coolness right there. And it’s cheaper than my SixHundy. Wow. Count me in.
Absolutely Breathtaking
The sun is setting a few blocks from here (over that big pool called the Pacific Ocean) and there is a lovely pink-orange-yellow hue to the sky right above the water. Above that, the sky…
Before Sunrise Musings
Okay, so I was asleep by 11pm. Told Keith to wake me up at Midnight for a kiss, because they say whatever you’re doing at the stroke of Midnight you’ll be doing all year. That…
Chase This
From my friend Jo-D at Somesuch: Chase Credit Card sucks much ass. They couldn’t even name the credit report that caused my APR to jump from 7.99% to 28.99% (yes, credit report, not my Chase…
I Love My Life
Truly. I’m sitting here, having cleaned the apartment, organized my files, prepped the new book materials that were in 20 different places, charged the SixHundy, played with the kitten-who’s-becoming-a-cat, wrote out another dozen holiday cards,…
Responding to Recent Comments
Okay, rather than emailing replies to comments or posting them within the comments field here, I’m gonna do that every-now-and-then thing that I do… making a post out of replies to comments. First… OW. My…