Hi Bonnie, I’ve been following you for a little over a year. As soon as I started digging into your materials, I was immediately endeared to you after reading an article you wrote that included…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Ignore the Backstory of Being Dropped
Hi Bonnie, I’m writing because I have a conundrum that I’m unsure how to handle. Here’s the situation: I had a commercial agent for about ten months. I didn’t book anything through him, but I…
What Training Impresses Casting Directors
Hi Bonnie, I recently purchased your book and am really enjoying it! I’ve learned that I really need a lot of preparation before going out to LA. I am applying to AMDA in New York…
Excellent Questions
Of course, every chance I get to point people over to the brilliance that is Greg Benson and his red carpet antics, I will do so. This vid used to be titled “Excellent Questions,” and…
Actor Getting His Mind Right
I have just started reading, straight through, Self-Management for Actors. While there is a lot of great information in there, the one part that really stuck out to me in the first section, about mindset,…
Quick Hits
Every now and then, I have an inbox bursting with quick questions; ones that seem too in-and-out for the Your Turn section but that still need a little attention. That brings me to today’s column….
Most Pilots Are Union
Hello Bonnie, I am contacting you because I was wondering if you could answer a question about nonunion projects. I am a SAG-AFTRA member of course now due to the merger, but it really seems…