If you’ve read Julia Cameron’s excellent book for creative types, The Artist’s Way, you already know the term “poison playmates.” Otherwise, think “Debbie Downer” on Saturday Night Live. And if that doesn’t cut it for…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Same Name As a Celeb = Change It?
Hey, B! So this is the thing: My name is Marsha Mason. I’m an actor in Canada, so this isn’t an issue here. As I expand my career, though, my hope is that I will…
Social Networking and Acting
A couple of weeks ago, I was a participant in an event held by the Talent Managers Association and it seemed my fellow casting directors and I spent as much time chatting about Facebook as…
Feedback on The Great Headshot Purge
This week’s Your Turn is two quickies. One in support of The Great Headshot Purge, and one offering intern services. Halloo Bon! I love reducing the number of hardcopies used for lots of reasons: 1)…
What We Learned in 2008
Let me start by saying that I am both overwhelmed and inspired by the emails generated by the question I asked a few weeks back: “What did you learn in 2008?” You fine folks are…
LA Pilot Season Questions
Hi Bonnie, I have been reading a lot on pilot season in LA. I am really interested in going and auditioning for some pilots. I really have been preparing by reading and researching about pilot…
The Great Headshot Purge
Okay, so I’m gearing up for casting three feature films within the next couple of months and that means it’s time to knock the dust off the old headshot files! Usually, after each project I…
Feedback on What If vs. What Is
Hi Ms. Bonnie, Well to start, I want to say that I love The Actors Voice column and I wish I could have found it sooner. I was actually recommended to come here from a…
Request for What We Learned in 2008
This week’s Your Turn is a quick request for help on a future column. Later this month, I’m going to be doing a piece called “What We Learned in 2008.” I’d like to focus on,…