November 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

Well folks, it’s STILL retrograde season. In addition to this parade of inward-focused planets, we have both Venus and Mercury flying out of bounds this month. Ack! That means they’ll behave as if they have no rules… and that’s in the areas of our love, money, values, enoughness for Venus… and our communication, how we think, how we believe for Mercury.

Nah, that couldn’t *possibly* get weird, could it?!? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Our orange and pink Chart Harmony signatures are prominent all through November 2024, and those are the most ACTIVE of the energies woo weather has to offer.

When you’re feeling equipped for it, lean into that BE SEEN vibe! But when you’re feeling less resourced for putting yourself out there, prioritize your self-care. Honor yourself by trusting your gut. There will be future action-taking days during which your personal energy matches up. Trust me. Trust that. Trust yourself. Please!

The most intense day of the month is November 3rd, so at least we’ll be past that soon enough. It’s the exact hit of a powerful opposition we’ll get 3 times between now and April 2025. It’s a standoff between Scorpio’s traditional and modern rulers… during Scorpio season… at the critical degree of Cardinal signs… while one of those planets is in the sign of its fall… and the other is doing the very last visit of the sign whose territories it began transforming in 2008.

Yep! It’s Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn at 29º — expect tension, stress, pressure, and possibly some serious POPPING OFF energy. Like I said: At least we’ll be past that soon enough! (Note: The 2 more times we’ll have these planets opposing one another, they’ll be in Leo and Aquarius, respectively. Whole different kind of vibe. Phew!)

After that November 3rd intensity, Mars begins to slow down in Leo and he’s already pissed off from his time in Cancer. No need to play with fire right now. Instead, use that fire for passion. Desire. ACTION for things you burn for, ache for, know are important to you.

SAVE THE DATE! My annual year-ahead Chart Harmony webinar is coming up on Saturday, November 16th at 11am PST.

Watch your inbox for an email inviting you to sign up or just keep an eye on my EVENTS page, here. The webinar is free (and yes, there will be a replay for you).

Find out what to expect from 2025 on into 2026 (their stories are too interconnected to do only a year-ahead talk). Over the course of 18 months, we’re experiencing shifts that come together only once every 26,000 years or so!

Yes, really. 🙂

Let’s chat about all of this (and more) at our Chart Harmony Discord server. See you there!

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here.

So much love flowing your way,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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