Hey! It’s been a minute!

I put across my whiteboard (one of several that I rewrite every few weeks as different projects advance through the creative pipeline over here in the Bonniverse) “EMAIL YOUR LIST!” and then I promptly went more than a month between BonBlasts. Oops.


Because life. You know. Just stuff. The world is a lot. And sometimes I decide what I thought I had to say isn’t all that worth saying after all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I suspect this disposition will shift a bit in a few weeks when my Saturn-ruled years conclude. Anyway, I realized today that I do have something I want to say, whether it’s all that worth saying or not. So, here we go!

1. I’ve decided we don’t have to wait for a particular day, or date, or a combination of components to align in order to start over, begin a project, hit the reset button, change a status. So often we declare that we WILL begin anew on Monday or at the start of the month or as the ball drops on one year to start another or when whatever gets out of retrograde, right? How about just playing the good ol’ improv game of “New choice!” whenever we want to become our best selves? We can simply STOP what we were choosing and choose something totally different, right now. Anytime.

2. About that whole “best self” thing… a while back, I was working with a coach who refers to the “version of yourself that you most love being” rather than your best self. And OMG do I swoon for that reframe! I’ve long said I’m striving to be “Best Bon” or “Better Bon” in the changes I make in my life. But holy cats if that’s not a way to set myself up for judging myself when my choices would get me labeled as a lesser Bon of any kind, right? So, combining this item with the one before it, we get EVERY MOMENT IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHOOSE TO BE THE VERSION OF OURSELVES THAT WE MOST LOVE BEING.

How. Awesome.

3. While I’ve been doing creative cave work for both my Chart Harmony and Self-Management for Actors businesses, I’ve managed to get my super-popular creative entrepreneurial deep dive up at Teachable (it’s free, and you can check it out herepsst! There’s a secret bonus or two in the emails that follow the webinar and you’ll DEFINITELY want to check those out if you want an edge in growing your baby biz). I also wrote this handy blog post about Venus in Leo (soon to be retrograde) and what it means to you (think: love, money, enoughness… stuff like that). And… I thought I was going to be able to announce a bunch o’ openings in my year-long Guided Chart Harmony mentorship but suddenly we’re down to 2 slots left, period! YOWZA! So… consider this your heads up if you were hoping to get started on some ongoing coaching with me.

Okay! That’s it! I’ve managed to get a blog post done and of course I hope you’ll catch me up on what’s been happening with you. Comments are open just below. Say hi!

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Jim McKeny June 26, 2023 at 7:43 am

    I love this revamp! Being the “Best Jim” I could be just sounds like work!
    Big love & hugs,

  2. Elizabeth Zimmerman June 26, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Whenever things change too dramatically, I always say, ” Plot twist!”
    It makes things seem less threatening. 😏

  3. La Trice June 26, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    “Being the version of yourself YOU most love being,” just feel so freeing!! That, and “New Choice”, for sure! 💕

    1. Bonnie Gillespie June 26, 2023 at 5:17 pm

      The first time I heard that, I seriously swooned. I mean, OF COURSE there’s a version of myself I most love being!!! More of HER please! XO

  4. Jean July 3, 2023 at 3:04 pm

    I know many of us are trying not to ‘care what other people think,’ yet expressing that I LOVE your creations and your Big Heart Bonnie!

    (Pisces Stellium(Sun at 29′)


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