Cliff (Day Two)

KiKi posted the first day of CLIFF (my responses are here) and now Babes has posted the second day of CLIFF (and my responses are below).
Instructions: You must sleep with one of the following people, live with one of them, and throw one of them off a cliff. What do you do?
Round 1:
Burt Reynolds (Throw off a cliff.)
Burt Bacharach (Sleep with. I do adore those new Geico commercials.)
Tim Burton (Live with. What fun toys he must have!)
Round 2:
Molly Ringwald (Live with. We have similar tastes in music and ’80s trivia, I’m sure.)
Molly Sims (Sleep with.)
The Unsinkable Molly Brown (Throw off a cliff. I mean, she’s unsinkable, but can she keep from going SPLAT?)
Round 3:
Batman (Live with. We could fight crimes together!)
Snoop Dog (Throw off a cliff. Again, I’m not big with the bong owners.)
James Dean (Sleep with.)
Round 4:
Annie Lennox (Sleep with. I do love musicians.)
Anne of Green Gables (Live with. We could talk and talk and talk and talk.)
Li’l Orphan Annie (Throw off a cliff. I’ve always been jealous of her Daddy Warbucks.)
Round 5:
Jimmy Dean (Live with. Yummmmm. Sausage.)
Paul Newman (Sleep with. More yum.)
Betty Crocker (Throw off a cliff. Gluten.)
Round 6:
Ashley Merrick (Throw off a cliff, simply b/c I have no idea who this is and I’m not feeling up to a big risk right now.)
Ashley Judd (Sleep with. She’s pretty.)
Ashley Simpson (Live with. She can pay all of the bills.)
Round 7:
John Lithgow (Live with. We’d have fun. I’m sure.)
Steve Martin (Sleep with. Not sure why.)
Leslie Nielson (Throw off a cliff. And don’t call me Shirley.)
Round 8:
The Jolly Green Giant (Sleep with. Ho Ho Ho!)
Andre the Giant (Throw off a cliff. But I’d need help.)
They Might Be Giants (Live with. Loves me some TMBG music!)
Round 9:
Henry VIII (Sleep with.)
Richard III (Throw off a cliff.)
Mary Queen of Scots (Live with.)
Round 10:
Jesus (Live with.)
Moses (Throw off a cliff.)
King David (Sleep with.)
Round 11:
Oatmeal Creme Pies (Live with.)
Nutter Butters (Sleep with.)
Lady Fingers (Throw off a cliff.)
Round 12:
Brad Pitt (Throw off a cliff.)
Jennifer Aniston (Live with.)
Vince Vaughn (Sleep with.)
Round 13:
Bon (I think I’d have to throw myself off a cliff to avoid having to choose which of my bestest blog friends I’d have to sleep with and/or live with. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME CHOOSE!)
OH… and two more from KiKi (sent to me via email):
Round 14:
E.T. (Live with.)
Gizmo (Throw off a cliff.)
all of the aliens at the end of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (Sleep with. Yeah, baby.)
Round 15:
Tanya (Throw off a cliff… and all her antibiotics too!)
Coral (Sleep with. Something about that nosering.)
Tina (Live with. She’s funny!)

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  1. Ed R July 28, 2006 at 10:37 am

    WHo are Tanya, Coral, and Tina, from round 15?
    ( shows how hip I am huh? )

  2. drc July 28, 2006 at 12:31 pm

    Round 1:
    Burt Reynolds – Cliff
    Burt Bacharach – Live
    Tim Burton – Sleep
    Round 2:
    Molly Ringwald – Cliff
    Molly Sims – sleep
    The Unsinkable Molly Brown – Live
    Round 3:
    Batman – Live
    Snoop Dog – Cliff
    James Dean – Sleep
    Round 4:
    Annie Lennox – Sleep
    Anne of Green Gables – Cliff
    Li’l Orphan Annie – Live
    Round 5:
    Jimmy Dean – Cliff
    Paul Newman – Sleep
    Betty Crocker – Live
    Round 6:
    Ashley Merrick – Cliff (I even Googled her…still don’t know who she is!)
    Ashley Judd – Live
    Ashley Simpson – Sleep
    Round 7:
    John Lithgow – Live
    Steve Martin – Sleep
    Leslie Nielson – Cliff
    Round 8:
    The Jolly Green Giant – Cliff
    Andre the Giant – Live
    They Might Be Giants – Sleep
    Round 9:
    Henry VIII – Cliff
    Richard III – Sleep
    Mary Queen of Scots – Live
    Round 10:
    Jesus – Sleep
    Moses – Cliff
    King David – Live
    Round 11:
    Oatmeal Creme Pies – Live
    Nutter Butters – Cliff
    Lady Fingers – Sleep
    Round 12:
    Brad Pitt – Sleep
    Jennifer Aniston – Live
    Vince Vaughn – Cliff

  3. Babes July 28, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    Whoops – Ashley MYrick.
    James Woods’ Teenage Girlfriend.

  4. Babes July 28, 2006 at 10:58 pm

    I would sleep with Gizmo. And Tanya (crazy chicks are hot in the sack…)
    I couldn’t live with Coral – too competitive. So ET and Tina, live with.
    Oh and by the way, YOU ARE A COWARD.

  5. Bon July 28, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    Okay, wait. What makes me a coward?!?

  6. Babes July 28, 2006 at 11:59 pm

    Um, #13, coward.
    I did it, but I’m not telling anyone unless they pick.

  7. Erik July 29, 2006 at 12:07 am

    I haven’t had time to do these, but I will do them this weekend!
    (Oh, and by the way, #13 isn’t Cliff. #13 is what would be called “Brutal Cliff,” a variation of the game where you play with people “who are in the room,” and I don’t play that game. BonBon doesn’t have to either.)

  8. Babes July 29, 2006 at 12:29 am

    So throw me off a cliff!

  9. Hal July 30, 2006 at 11:38 am

    Your wise to only shag Henry VIII. His wives didn’t fare to well, ya know?


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