
1. Working on the book helps calm panic attacks.


2. Watch the pre-Emmy Emmy Awards (Creative Arts version) tonight on E! to see Kathy Joosten pick up her Emmy (plus casting directors April Webster, Mandy Sherman, Alyssa Weisberg, and Veronica Collins Rooney for Lost; John Papsidera for Lackawanna Blues; and Scott Genkinger and Junie Lowry-Johnson for Desperate Housewives). That’s so cool! Maybe someday, the Oscar people will do an award for casting. *sigh*


4. Book stuff: anyone who’s read Self-Management for Actors have an opinion about a chapter I’m on the fence about keeping? That’d be the STAND-UP COMEDY one. I mean, I cover SOAPS and EXTRA WORK and HOSTING, so there’s room for it… but I don’t cover VOICEOVER. I can’t cover everything, of course, but I’m just wondering… did the STAND-UP COMEDY chapter stick out as out-of-place? Should I keep it and add in VOICEOVER and LOOPING? Hm.

5. Blogging seems to recharge my panic levels, so I’m going back to book edits. Wish me luck! Watch the Emmys tonight and tomorrow night too. Congrats to my friends and colleagues!

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1 Comment

  1. Jeannini-Nini September 20, 2005 at 9:16 am

    Not necessarily out of place, because stand-up is usually a very important beginning or gateway for actors, as I observed from many of the Acting Q’s people interviewed…
    Not to add to panic attacks, but I think that voiceover/looping should most definitely be given attention, because many actors find that they’re able to make very good money from VO work…
    Just my .02-4-U!
    PS – I’m sorry that blogging ups your panic levels! :o/