So, you’ll recall that last week, I critiqued a really lovely “one sheet” compliments of Helenna Santos.

Ever the type to share her toys and help other actors make good choices, here’s a great follow-up note from Helenna about how this concept came into her world.
Thank you so much for sharing my “one sheet” in last week’s column! It’s my absolute favorite marketing tool! A number of people have asked me how I created it and I wanted to share a couple of things.
I spent the majority of the past year really solidifying my brand and primary type, so that it is reflected in all of my marketing materials. I owe a big shoutout to the two people who helped me figure it all out: YOU and Dallas Travers!
A million “thank yous,” Bonnie! This column, the Self-Management for Actors book, and your seminars are a godsend! From guiding me through my “headshot saga” to figuring out my “personal log line,” YOU have had such a direct influence in helping me get a laser focus! THANK YOU!
I then took that laser focus and enrolled in Dallas Travers‘ “Actor’s Business Blueprint Intensive” and her “Creative Career Cooperative.” Both courses were loaded with fantastic tidbits of information on how to help propel me to the next level in my career. The “one sheet” is one of the things that am so happy I learned from Dallas and it is now a staple in my repertoire. Actors can learn to make a “one sheet” by joining Dallas’ “Thriving Artist Circle” this month.
Again, a million thank yous! If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be floundering around in bad headshot land and just missing the mark on my primary type. Instead, I have never felt such a strong centered focus. I know who I am and what special specific qualities I have to offer this gorgeous industry, and to quote GI Joe, “knowing is half the battle.”
Much Love,
Helenna Santos
Obviously, I’ve been working with Helenna outside of this column and my books over the past year. I’m just so thrilled that anything I’ve put out there has been put to good use by rockstar actors who are searching for something that gives ’em a little more specificity and control over the very few things in this industry that actors do control. And Dallas had me on as a guest of one of her teleseminars last October. She’s got loads of great ideas! Of course, not every tip fits every actor and I always recommend you run concepts through your own filter to be sure what you’re learning from anyone lines up with what your gut is telling you.
All a good career advisor, coach, or mentor can ever do is help you focus the lens you already have. The lens you bring is yours and what you do with it after you’ve been given some focusing tips is always up to you! Thank you, Helenna, for being a living example of Self-Management for Actors in action. The most fun part about that book having been out nearly seven years, now, is seeing actors who’ve landed in LA ready at a level many weren’t, a decade ago. Crafting a career that agents and managers want to be a part of is such a huge part of the process, starting out. Thank you for making that work look like so much fun!
Wanna be sure your tools *and* your mindset are in peak form? Let us get you in gear with some FREE training right now!
Rock ON!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.