Definition of Friendship

What’s a friend? I mean a true-blue, love-ya-forever, amazingly-good-people level friend.
That’d be friends like Shon and Jodi.
Well, here they are, guest-starring on That’s So Raven, having graciously invited us to see them work (which rocked; they were both really amazing and very funny), watching a scene or two in playback between live scenes (at which time the pages were handing out slices of pizza to the members of the audience). Okay, so these great actors *should* be basking in the glow of their accomplishments, enjoying watching their own work on the monitors, gearing up for their next live scenes, or simply enjoying the downtime schmooze with Disney execs (who were all over the set, for damn sure). What are they doing instead?
Noticing that pizza is not gluten-free, and therefore their friend Bonnie will not be able to eat a snack during this break in taping. Not only did they NOTICE this, but they grabbed a bowl, visited the craft services table, loaded up mixed raw veggies and fruits, and snuck the bowl up to us in the audience!
If THAT is not the very basic underlying principle to friendship, I don’t know what is!
Now, outside of that particular moment (which was sincerely touching), this was one of our favorite nights out in awhile (and that’s among a whole bunch of seriously amazing nights out of late). Turns out tonight was Shon and Jodi’s manager’s birthday. So, there was celebration both on the set (Emmy nominations and the first live shoot back this season) and off (congrats to Jodi on the recurring role, to Shon on the guest-star gig, my birthday, John’s birthday, and Keith’s signing with Origin), which we took care of with champagne at the ArcLight (my first time there; very cool).
Great night. Great talent. Great friends. That’s really the best part of it all.

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  1. Joni July 17, 2005 at 8:55 pm

    I can relate. For our 4th of July cookout, Bart made potato salad and he knew I didn’t eat onions, so he made a special batch just for me without the onions.

  2. Jeannini-Nini July 19, 2005 at 3:46 pm

    Awww WOW!!!! SO awesome.