…that there is speculation as to whether Katie is even pregnant?
I really don’t pay enough attention to this type of stuff. Or is that a good thing?
Neat story: Why it pays to be nice to the casting director.
Much cooler… this guy’s website. Context here.
Not cool: my blog right now. I’m bored. Yawn.
Sources say Keith’s CSI: Miami episode airs May 1st. And that he’s been in promos airing on CBS already this week. Woo! (Thanks for the tip, Liz!)
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I’m not having a probglem with yuour blog at this particular point in time.
“Or is that a good thing?”
It’s probably a good thing. Because all I know is, I like to read Defamer.com and Gawker.com on my lunch break, and all it took was reading about how the tabloids are saying that he bought her an “adult sized pacifier” to aid with the “silent birth”, and I felt my brain start to implode. It’s just too creepy.
O.M.G., Hannah. That’s just disturbing. Ugh.
And thanks, Ed.