
Well, I’m stalled out on the brink of the 160s. I keep hitting 169 and then jumping quickly back to 171 (for safety, methinks). I was in the 160s when the earthquake hit and I was so miserable being stuck out here in that job at Left Bank So, there’s some emotional stuff I have to deal with, hitting the 160s again. Also, the 150s loom short-out in the distance… and that’s where I was when I was date raped in high school. As you can see, I have now some much harder work to do: the emotional stuff. I think, though, I am finally ready. I am doing some amazingly good, hard work in acting class, and I think that must be my outlet for much of what I’ve let food help me cope with for all these years. Also, with Daylight Savings Time here, I’ve started my walk/jog after work. That’s been wonderful! I feel as if I’ve reunited with a part of myself I’ve left dormant since leaving Athens. I used to do this EVERY day there. So, I’m thrilled to be able to do it again. And I’m committed to continue doing so. It feels sooo good.
I’m really taking care of myself, doing affirmations, being patient with my slips and binges, praying, being thankful for all the wonderful gifts in my life, and connecting with my Self as much as possible, while still living in this crazy world.
Remember, last year I said I wanted to be able to participate in ECO-Challenge 2000 (whether I do or not, I at least want to be in good enough physical condition to do so). Well, ECO-Challenge ’99 is on tonight and I am so much more fit and active than I was a year ago, when I put that fantasy “out there” to my friends. The body is an amazing miracle. We can do so much and rebuild so quickly from all the damage we do to ourselves. What a gift the body is! I’m so happy to be exercising again!

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