This week’s Your Turn is an email of support for Nearsighted Elizabeth, who wrote in last week. (Oh, and there’s also an outpouring of support — and possibly a casting opportunity — for Elizabeth at our Self-Management for Actors Facebook group.) Here is an inspiring example of someone who clearly never let “actors with glasses can’t have an on-camera career” advice cloud their journey!

Hi Bonnie,

As always, thank you for your wonderful articles and insight! You are, hands-down, the best at what you do!

I was particularly struck by this week’s “Your Turn” and the letter from Elizabeth the Nearsighted about being a glasses-wearer, and thought I would share with you and her a wonderful example of someone who has taken that particular attribute and incorporated it into a brand that is proving to be quite successful.

Meet Kate Comer:

Kate and I were in a scene study class in NYC six years ago. She looked very much the same as in her photos: bespectacled, full head of curly hair, and rather tall. Soon after our class ended its session, she moved to LA to give it a shot, and since then, has been steadily becoming the go-to woman for her particular kind of brand: a bit nerdy, college student, hip, fun.

She consistently books co-star and recurring roles, as well as national commercials, and she does so — I would guess — not in spite of her glasses, but because of her brand, of which her glasses are an integral part. Kate is a classic example of being true to yourself, taking what you have, and turning it into something that CDs and directors want.

Just wanted to share. Maybe you can pass this on to Elizabeth?

Ninja on!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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