Feedback on Pumping Up Credits

Hi Bonnie!

Although I love all that you share through The Actors Voice, the “pumping up credits” issue really struck a cord with me.

Currently I have three television credits listed on IMDb but no film IMDb-worthy credits yet so I had listed my additional credits for the four short films I’ve done.

Although it’s not the “40” you mentioned your client had, I decided to delete all four that I had and remove the mental clutter and replace it with being in the space of trusting I’m enough with what I have right now.

Now for a question regarding resumé listing on IMDb vs. IMDb-Pro: IMDb has a resumé tab you can click to review my resumé but I don’t see that feature on the IMDb-pro so I added it manually to the education/special training section. Do you think that’s necessary?

Thank you for all your amazing wisdom and helping me to be more ninja on my journey as a storyteller.

Hugs & Love,
Tara 🙂

Yay, Tara! You are such a rockstar! Trust that you’re enough! Definitely! 🙂

The credits on IMDb (not IMDb-Pro) that you add (including training and such) will only show up if the fan (and I say “fan” because pretty much every *buyer* has an IMDb-Pro account) clicks to see the resumé feature. But it’ll be right up there, front and center, for those who have IMDb-Pro accounts (your buyers).

Definitely there’s a difference between four non-IMDb credits and 40. For sure! And if there’s a couple you’re crazy about, keep ’em! 🙂 But just remember, we’re always showing the buyers how to see us. The confidence you show when you share the BEST goods is truly ninja!

Rock on, rockstar!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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