Feedback on Rank the Reps

Bonnie! Your email today about rep ranking couldn’t be more ON TIME. As an un-repped artist, I’m constantly trying to just do great work, build up my resumé, and target away so that I can be a “hell yes actor” for my “hell yes team” one day.

I’ve honestly never thought about what it would be like to actually be repped and still having to do this. That was until I talked to a friend of mine over this past weekend.

My lovely actor friend is currently repped by Innovative Artists… about two tiers above (at least) from where she is, according to her. To every other un-repped actor, this sounds amazing. She’s a fairly recent graduate (a bit over a year out of school) and got signed by an amazing agent. Well when talking to her, I found out that everything isn’t always what it seems.

As explained to me, her problem is that she always gets sent out for things way above than what she can handle (in her opinion). (From my understanding, I thought that was a good thing because agencies can aid in bringing you to a tier above.) So she is constantly going out for things that she feels she’s not ready for and is against her type.

“How could this possibly be a problem?” I started asking myself as she was talking. Well turns out, when you go in for things (or pretty much do anything) in which you feel unready, not properly prepped for, your confidence will not be there and you won’t do as well as you really could have.

She also has a manager, so the things that she has booked have come through him (co-star level). When she asked me for advice, I honestly didn’t know what to tell her other than having a sit-down with her agents but I told her to really map out what she wanted to say because I know it’s drop season and telling your agent in not so many words that “I’m not ready for you guys” doesn’t really get you far with said agent.

I also told her to continue taking more classes which should help, but really, I just didn’t know what to tell her. (Earlier I had told her about your methods of targeting and maybe she should start that process but I wasn’t sure how that helps once you’re in the situation since it helps mostly before you get in a situation like this.)

So imagine my surprise when I woke up to your lovely email GOLD about rep ranking (which I quickly forwarded to her). I think the sentence that hit home the most for me was:

Remember, sometimes we get so caught up in the whole, “I’ve gotta have an agent” way of thinking that we forget that there are some teams we’d be better off without.

That so used to be me (and if I’m being really honest with myself, that was probably me even a few months ago — I just wanted it too bad which is NEVER good). So thank you, Bonnie! I’m going to go through my list of target agencies and do some rep ranking myself so I don’t find myself in a similar situation!

This advice was truly ” The Sauce that is Awesome.”

Courtney Williams

Courtney, you’re awesome. Thank you for this feedback. I so appreciate it! 🙂

The good news is, even though it’s “too late” for your friend to HAVE targeted, it’s not too late for her to target today for where she *should* be. And it’s always smart to do the work to determine where you are and where you’re headed, so hopefully she’ll be able to map out the path to rep that’s better suited for where she is now *and* keep the relationship open with her higher-tier (current) rep so that she can circle back around to them when that’s the better fit.

I’m glad this info was timely for you and I hope it serves her too. It’s so challenging to be surrounded by people who would call you CRAZY to give up such high-tier rep as Innovative and still possibly make that choice, but it’s essential that we know what tools, what partnerships, what work is the right fit for exactly where we are in order to make the most of it all.

Enjoy the journey and let me know how your friend sorts it all out! It’s a challenge for sure, but not an unconquerable one. 🙂

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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