This week, let’s dive in on two pieces of feedback from last week’s Self-Tape Challenge.


All I have to say is, Oh My God! This timing is outstanding. I just did my first self-tape audition.

I was unsure of all of it. Learned a lot but then after, feeling moderate about it all. Encouraged but still unsure about this or that. Then this email from you pops in. Hello!!

The vibe I grab is do it, just freakin’ do it. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it’ll get better with practice. I am super excited! Thanks to you and the masterminds.

Much love and kudos to you and them!

Oh, how wonderful, Deborah! I love this email and I’m so excited that the timing lined up!

You’re exactly right about the vibe. JUST FREAKIN’ DO IT. In fact, the letters JFDI are on my whiteboard in my office. That’s how important that mantra is!

Rock on and thanks for the email! 🙂 You rock! Keep on self-taping and stay in touch.

Next email:

Hi Bonnie,

I like the “Self-Tape Challenge.” As a voice actor, it’s one I face every day. Self-taping is my job when I’m not at the studios. It can be a good gauge, but being objective about your own work is always an issue.

When I first started in VO, there was a very supportive online forum. People would post all manner of auditions, gigs, or just recordings to get some feedback. The important thing was that feedback was honest. No sugarcoated, “Wow! That’s Great!” (unless it actually was). For those who want to grow, honest feedback is a must.

Now, however, I’d be reluctant to post online. Many of the places one could do that are also open to clients, so the posts may not reflect well later in one’s career.

I think small classes and group settings are a perfect arena for feedback. Just make sure you know who’s giving the feedback, what their level is, and if they have other motivations (some folks are just negative).

There’s a post from my Joe’s Dump blog that you may like: “Advice on Advice.”

Happy Tuesday!

Outstanding feedback, Joe! You were right about my liking your “Advice on Advice” post. Really great and something everyone should check out! Creating a more relevant and helpful Internet is everyone’s responsibility.

As for the awareness of where creatives are posting their self-taped material online, again, you’re totally right. I especially love that there are ways to still rise to the challenge of doing daily self-tapes without compromising brand or relationships with clients and casting offices!

Very smart! Thank you! 🙂

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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