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In other news…
Something Keith is really good at is forgiveness. He’s also an expert at the practice of unconditional love.

Me? I suck at both. I am very bad at forgiving (especially myself) and my love is almost always conditional. I demand perfection from myself and those around me, I am not a tolerant person, and I always feel as though I must punish myself for extended periods of time when I behave in any less-than-perfect way toward others.
I am pledging to learn from Keith (as he so frequently learns from me, with grace and gratitude) that the BEST gift for someone you’ve hurt is total forgiveness and that NO ONE is served by extended periods of self-loathing. He loves to say that what makes us BEAUTIFUL, as humans, is our imperfections. I say that we are sometimes beautiful DESPITE our imperfections.
I have a lot to learn. Hm. I guess that makes me one really beautiful human being then, eh?
I remain… a work in progress.
Everything’s a work in progress, Bonnie. Even perfection will not remain. You think perfection doesn’t have to work at it? Ask Lance Armstrong.
People are beautiful despite AND because of their imperfections. You’re both right. Just like the way the sun rise is beautiful after the night. It’s the darkness that gives substance to the morning as much as it is the sun ending the night.
The night is what makes the sun so beautiful. The darkness is what highlights the brilliance. It doesn’t mean the day is any less perfect.
Imperfections and beauty are not opposites. They are two components of the same machine. Two cogs in a gearbox making one machine work. Separate one from the other and neither exists.
You’re both right. And you’ve actually got nothing to learn, because between you, you’ve got it all.