
It’s funny. I’ll never forget the experience, but I cannot remember the name. It was 1992 and I had read one of many helpful “getting started in the biz” books and saw that I was — as an aspiring actor having grown from kid-actor-hood to the “grown-up” actor-zone — supposed to “do something scary” and reach out to people who actually had done something in the industry, letting them know what *I* had done, and offering to be on their team.

What a fucking shitshow.

Sorry for the fowl language, folks, but that’s what it was. Here I was, all of “almost 22” with a handful of local nonunion credits, excited for having bought this amazing book with all sorts of “real, Hollywood” advice. And I picked up the phone and called people to announce, “I’m here!”

It was “Annie Someone” who answered (seriously, I wish I remembered her name; I’m almost positive my most protective cousin does remember her name, because she pledged to hate her properly, for life, as a good cousin should), and she cackled and howled, “Oh, honey! You are SO green!” to me, rather than giving me an ounce of encouragement or help.

And I didn’t have a clue what that “green” comment meant.

How could I?

Because, when you’re green, you don’t know what you don’t know. I mean, how could you know? When you’re green, OF COURSE you have no idea what “being green” means.

It’s okay. I’m gonna tell you that right now. Being green is not the end of the world. It just means you’re new. And, hon, most folks in this biz wish they were new today. It would mean they could give themselves a “do-over.” When you’re told you’re green, celebrate. I kid you not. Enjoy that you are new! It means you have the world ahead of you!

While most folks want you to see “green” as an indication of your lack of understanding of this business, of your place in it, of where you’re headed, of the sheer magnitude of what you’re facing… I like to see it as your place in a yard filled with sprouting bits of vegetation! THAT is a beautiful visual.

Oh, and, OMG, is it your job to go and pull on those growing seedlings? Of course not! You need to trust that they’ve been planted, they are growing, and you will benefit from your patience.

I’ll remind you to read this bit on how It Was Easier Being Green.

Please, whatever you do, don’t HATE being “green.” What it means is that you have all the possibilities stretched out before you, with so much room for discovery! You can enjoy the reality that you are NEW, which gives you room to trust that you’re enough.

Trust it. Build from it. That’s the most ninja move I have to offer you! YES!

NOTE: A final reminder that Hollywood Happy Hour will be joining with Actors Access and CastingAbout for a FREE event called “Secrets of the Casting Process” on Monday, February 27th, at 6:30pm in West Los Angeles. There will be a free reception immediately following.

We’ll be showing you behind-the-scenes action from “the other side” of the casting process than the one you’re used to via your Actors Access account. We’ll also talk about ninja targeting tips and how to best use your CastingAbout membership and IMDb-Pro to get to marketing yourself at your very best!

The event is free, but you must RSVP. Shoot an email to to get on the list. Thanks and see y’all there, TONIGHT!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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