(This is how many conversations begin when Quinn is visiting.)
“Yes, Quinn.”
“You’ve really got a very big butt.”
“Thank you.”
(Long pause.)
“Hey, Bonnie…”
“Yes, Quinn.”
“I really thought you’d be upset.”
“No, Quinn. I have a big butt. It’s true. No reason to be upset.”

Truth is, I saw an interview with Mo’Nique yesterday in which she talked about the bliss that is being a big girl and having “fluff” for the guys to touch on.
I looked at Keith and said, “I need to be like that. Just love my fluff.” He said, “Sometimes you are like that.” And I said, “Yeah. But I need to be like that all the time. Just love my fluff and know I look good.”
And today that was tested out. So far so good!
That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, baybeeeee!!!
don’t we all…. 😉
you learn and figure out how to do it, you let the rest of us know how to, ok?