I’m not kidding. This one is filled with linky-love. I keep sharing these links in various convos with folks who are EXCITED for the potential of where we’re headed… folks who need reminders that we’ve got work to do (and that getting distracted, activated, and whipped up by so much cruelty theatre is what the Cheeto-in-Chief and Elon Lux Luthor et. al. want).
So. Let’s dig in.
First link: Head over here and check boxes for any/all of the 4 categories on that page to sign up for BonBlasts and to select exactly what sorts of emails you want to receive from me. (Yay! Nuance! Variety! Choices! Hooray!) Thank you!
Next: I recently was a guest on the Art Biz Podcast. (One of the takeaways from the episode‘s shownotes: “Your work as an artist is to heal people who don’t have the ability to turn strong emotions into art. Your art helps people understand what they’re going through.”) Consider adding this podcast to your regular ones. LOTS of great convos going on with Alyson Stanfield! Become a fan!
Third: I joke that my only three sources for news each week are The Daily Show, Dish Nation, and This Week in White Supremacy. Thing is? That’s not a joke. These are *actually* my sources for what’s going on in the world. And while the first two of these shows are easy to find on TV-type devices, the third is easiest to find here. It is incredibly important to me to consume information from non-white, non-straight, non-billionaire, non-dominant-culture-in-general populations.
Fourth: I’ll be sharing more from the brilliant creative who put THIS article on my radar, but ’til then, go read What you can do, right now, for your trans and nonbinary friends, family, students and colleagues. Do the things that align with your values about it. At the very least, SHARE the article. Because our trans and nonbinary friends and family members need us to make it easy for allies to do more of the right things. NOW.

(Related to that COUNT… I made a countdown for the time when Cheeto-in-Chief is OUT of Oval Office. I check it pretty regularly, to help me breathe. Feel free to do the same.)
Next: Did you know that Ricky Williams is an astrologer? Yes, THAT Ricky Williams. NFL superstar whose career ended due to his refusal to stop using cannabis during a time when a positive soft-drug test could end a professional sports career. I knew he had gone on to create a very successful CBD sports medicine business… but only when I bumped into this phenomenal playlist on the Intersections of Astrology and Race did I learn that he’s been an astrologer for more than 2 decades too! Start with this vid. I’m taking notes.
Sixth: I love sharing links to favorite Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown episodes. In this episode, she shares a nearly identical experience that I had with an undiagnosable mystery condition that put me on bedrest for part of 2018 and ultimately would lead to my obsession with mind-body medicine, microdosing pretty much everything (including information), and my forthcoming book of tools for navigating the cracking-wide-open of a soul that often presents as “weird health stuff.” I started watching at the 54′ mark rather than starting at the beginning of the episode, getting right to the intuition-allowing/multidimensional/multi-timeline goodness of Suzanne Giesemann’s interview.
Seventh: In addition to my return to livestreaming at YouTube (link below to my upcoming monthly USE YOUR MOONS calendar demo), I’ve really begun to love BlueSky. It’s like OG Twitter. Follow me here if you’d like to join the fun. Recent favorite things I’ve clocked there include how to turn off AI on Apple devices, The Skimm buying up ReproductiveRights-dot-gov once it got taken down, and such a great reminder about how to behave with police-like-folks during times like these. I also get to brag on W. Kamau Bell’s brilliance (like the T-shirt I’m modeling below) and his must-reads and must-sees too.

Finally: As promised, I’m still showing up monthly with livestream demos on getting your calendar all color-coded and prepped for what the general vibe’s gonna be in the weeks ahead. Yay! Just under my sign-off below, you’ll find the embed for my next USE YOUR MOONS demo. I hope you’ll join me for a peek at March’s wild woo weather (it’s a lot, y’all).
That’s not the only livestreaming I’ve been up to. I’ve recently done an exploration of what to do when Google stops sending people to your website (which is why you’re seeing more AI summaries and fewer credit blurbs for any of that content, much less encouragement to click through to those source sites). AND… I’ve got another bunch o’ livestreams coming up and I’m so excited to continue to connect like this! (Keep an eye on my EVENTS page for the whens… and meanwhile, lemmeknow what topics YOU are prioritizing these days.)
If you’ve read this far, hey, thank you. It’s a wild time with lots of let’s-keep-everybody-all-whipped-up-and-nervous agenda out there. Remember when I said during my year ahead webinar that everything’s gonna start feeling FASTER? Yeah. That’s right on track. I’ll be offering some pop-up deep-dives on the outers (especially Uranus) and Mars soon. Meanwhile, here’s some Mars management for ya.
Hang in there! YOU are too important to stay spun-out.
Sending so much love your way now and always,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!