Over at our fabulous Chart Harmony Discord, I get asked questions. Recently, the topic of Mars retrograde in Cancer got a lot of heat (pun totally intended) and that brought me to share these words.
I’ve been thinking about how I keep mentioning that Mars is in such bad shape right now.
He’s out-of-bounds for a quarter of the year.
He’s in the sign of his FALL for a quarter of the year.
He’s retrograde for the first 7 weeks of the year.
And with Chiron forEVER in Aries (a sign Mars rules), there’s a lot of wounding going on.
Any one of these things on its own would make for an unhappy Mars.
So, as each of these things “rights itself” astrologically, we’ll start feeling more light, more better-placed Mars energy.
Less screaming at the top of our lungs, while alone: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? More voices in unison calling for specific changes to be made.
Fewer physical highs and lows — manic energy, then sheer exhaustion. More sustained focus for the work that needs to be done. Then healthy, restorative sleep.
Not so much taking things personally. Way more witnessing things LAND where they’re meant to, right on target.
Can’t say we’re gonna NOT feel so confused, out of sorts, and unclear on how to get ourselves out of the overall predicament that continues to play out on the big screen of the world right now (Mars has nothing to do with those things; we’ve got longer-lasting outer planet transits shape-shifting our reality — check out my year ahead webinar here; or more specifically, what to expect from Uranus in Gemini here).
But the nodal shift we had last month has already alleviated some of the Mars-flavored pressure, since Aries’ turn-up (and Libra’s energy drain) have handed off the eclipse-creating baton to Pisces for an amplified boost to our ancestral/spiritual connections (and to Virgo for an official pruning of too many checklists, expectations, and perfectionism-driven activity).
As more shifts happen over the coming weeks, be grateful for what Mars has taught you about your anger, your rage, your flat-out pissed-offedness. And notice where/how you’re defining HOME and FAMILY as you honor the protective stance you’re getting so good at taking while Mars is in Cancer.
Use the comments below to share how YOUR Mars-out-of-bounds-and-retrograde-in-Cancer-the-sign-of-his-fall is going! Totally understood if you need to use all caps right now. 😉 Get hooked up with my favorite ideas for Mars Chart Harmony over here. Totally doable to calm the angry planet down just by doing something as simple as wearing red on a Tuesday.
(Yes, really!)
Much love,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
Retrograde Mars out of bounds and in Cancer has been aggravating my IBS since December. Not helping is my Progressed Sun conjunct natal Pluto which is mercifully separating. Nasty stuff. But I’ve noticed even with some friends this retrograde Mars seems to be having a pernicious effect on their health.
It’s a baddy, for sure! At least we’ve been relieved of the retrograde of it all. Next up, get Mars back in bounds… followed by getting OUT of Cancer for another couple o’ years. Phew!
Hang in there, Ron! Glad your progressed Pluto conjunction is separating. That’s no joke!