Over at our lovely Chart Harmony Discord, we have convos. We support one another. We chat about stuff like alternatives to celebrating our very birthdays, if we don’t love ’em all that much. (Not me. I LOVE my birthday and tend to celebrate MY new year the whole month of July. My chart ruler, Venus, is so very definitely in Leo, y’all.) Because I suggested something that could help folks beyond our little community, I wanted to bring it here to my blog. So…

Here we go!

First, {{{hugs}}} to you if you and your birthday aren’t besties. I get that. There are definitely some messed up ways our birthdays get celebrated (or NOT celebrated) by others and it can get pretty weird over time.

I’d love to suggest to those of us who don’t have such fabulous relationships with our birthdays (which is how we humans celebrate our SOLAR returns) to maybe shift to celebrating your VENUS returns?

Venus travels pretty close to the Earth (which is how we measure “Sun” in our astrological world) so while our birthdays are always within a day of our Solar returns, our Venus returns could be a month or two before or after our Solar returns, some years (and they WILL vary, year to year).

This could make things more FUN and a little different from what we’re used to doing in our lives, therefore decoupling any past trauma or sad stories about how our birthdays were not properly executed as celebrations of OUR MAGNIFICENCE.

Venus — the planet of love, money, enoughness, values, and valuables — is a wonderful planet to celebrate already. And keeping up with your Venus return is as easy as tracking it on your favorite app (or a site like Astro.com or Astro-Seek). Those links go to the how-to for determining YOUR Venus returns (or any other planetary/luminary returns).

Try it!

Bonus points for doing things that are quite Venusian in style. My fabulous mini-course 44 Days With Venus ✨ provides LOTS of options to consider, if you need ideas. Also, check out any of the Chart Harmony posts here at my blog that are Venus-focused. Or grab my quick-list graphics at this ’90s style corner of my website! (You’re welcome.)

Does the idea of celebrating your VENUS each year seem more delicious and delightful than celebrating another trip around the SUN?

Share in the comments below (or come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server). And if you’d like to go deeper with any of my free (or non-free) on-demand resources, head over here to the library I’m continuing to build for you!

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is simultaneously all characters in The Wizard of Oz (esp. the yellow-brick road). Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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