February 2025 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

We’ve officially entered an alternate reality.

I’ve been saying for years that we’ve got woo weather coming up that’s gonna move VERYFAST. Welp, here we are! I hope your head isn’t spinning too-too much right now.

Aquarius season is all about big ideas (and lots of ’em) as well as activism, breaking rules, thinking outside the box, and disrupting systems that don’t work for the collective. Wherever you land with this energy, remember to check in on the Chart Harmony colors of the day to tap into what’s already showing up to support you.

With Mars in the sign of his fall *and* out-of-bounds all month (oh, and also retrograde for most of February), expect a more fiery and feisty vibe than may be comfortable. My favorite way to balance an overabundance of ORANGE energy is to engage in activities from the “cooler” colors (blue, black, purple).

Whether it’s going for a swim, getting a massage, or lighting a calendar in the color you’d like to activate, trying NOT to get whipped up by the speed and fire of these times is the work.

(When in doubt, just WEAR the color you need!)

Here’s my Chart Harmony 101 START page. And here’s a super 1990s-style file directory of quick-check CARDS for ALL of the Chart Harmony colors. Grab ’em all!

* * *

My livestreams are going great! I’m doing a monthly demo/work-along for color-coding your calendar. Check my schedule over at bonniegillespie.com/events and make a plan to join us for the next edition of 🌙✨ Use Your Moons! 🔮💫 (REPLAY of LIVE DEMO below. And, I’ve got a whole playlist of these monthly work-alongs here.)

I love connecting with folks to answer questions about how to make your life feel more filled with ease and joy, just by tapping into a little Chart Harmony now and then. Please, whatever your focus right now, KNOW you are loved. You are safe. You are enough.

Let’s chat about all of this (and more) at our Chart Harmony Discord server. See you there if not in the comments here! (Heck, maybe do BOTH.)

So much love flowing your way,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

[LIVE DEMO for smoothing out your calendar: 🌙✨ Use Your Moons 🔮💫]

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