So, I’ve spent two solid hours importing my RSS feed links (which were categorized as “RSS feeds” and “Lazy RSS feeds”), plus my good ol’ fashioned non-feed blog links and links to things I would NEVER bookmark as feed-food (until NOW, baby) into the greatness that is Rojo. I am so so so so so so so so so happy already. LOVES me some Rojo! It is my new TiVo. Thank you, Beffers!!!!!
And then, the greatness that is Tony emails me a link to this: Seth Green as Chris Griffin reading from Star Jones’ new book on the Adam Carolla show. Holy Hell, that’s some funny stuff. Wow. I’m just more in love every minute today.
Spent the morning listing and re-listing my categories and subcategories for the new home office “system” (and I cannot WAIT to get this project off the ground), plus fielding calls and emails from producers in–get this–England and NY (plus FOUR more in LA) about upcoming casting needs. AND I officially handed off a project I don’t have time for to another amazing casting director, my sister Deb.
Speaking of Deb, it is now time to go. Showcase* production meeting, Keith‘s audition, then early dinner with sis at the Tana‘s. Awesome. Lobster time, baby!
* = disclosure to come. Stand by.
I LOVE So Much!!
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