Assuming you’re reading this within a day or two of my having written it, there are 100 days left in 2015.

Heck, whenever you’re reading it, you’re just 100 days away from major changes, should you wish to join me in one of my very favorite things: The 100-Day Challenge.

As a list-loving borderline OCD workaholic, I can rock the crap out of a 100-day challenge. I can start with a calendar, work backwards from some benchmark date out there (like, say, December 31, 2015, for example), and decide that 100 days out from that I’m gonna start something that will have me finishing really strong.

What I start can take many shapes:

  • doing something I should do more of
  • stopping doing something I should do less of
  • trying something I’ve never tried before but have always wanted to try
  • bringing something back into my life that’s been absent for too long
  • committing to something that will improve my life vastly but to which I’ve never been able to stick for very long

What I start can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual:

  • eating better
  • dancing daily
  • sleeping more hours each night
  • going off email for days at a time
  • writing handwritten letters to unsuspecting recipients daily
  • meditating
  • taking an online course
  • reading a book a week
  • shooting some creative content and putting it out in the world

…the lists go on and on.

As we begin these last 100 days of 2015, I am facing what might be the biggest change of my professional life. I’m on hiatus from writing the weekly column I’ve penned since early 2004. In fact, I’ve had a weekly column since mid-1999 if you add Backstage to Actors Access. That’s more than 16 years of weekly weekend writing. Weekly Sunday deadlines. Weekly examination of patterns and trends and advances in our beloved industry for inspiration about the next topic and the next and the next.

Suddenly… stopped. For now.

And for an indeterminate amount of time.


But instead of feeling a sense of dread, a bunch o’ fear, worry for “what if…” with all of this, I found myself checking the calendar. Yep. The notice that my hiatus is official came down today. Almost exactly 100 days before 2015 ends.

Think about what I might be able to do with the 5 to 20 hours per week I’ve put into ONE THING (my weekly column) for 832 weeks. The muscle for doing this is soooooooo strong and having that range of hours free (hmm… that’s, if we go with the average on the hourly commitment per week, it’s… OMG… it’s 9984 hours. It’s Malcolm Gladwell’s effin’ 10,000 hours, y’all) is… mind-boggling.

In 100 days, what could I do with the couple hundred hours I’m used to spending on this ONE THING?

The possibilities are endless.

So I’m going to discover who I am outside of a weekly column.

I’m still going to blog (here). I’m still going to record podcasts (here). I’m still going to send out the BonBlast and Fired UP Friday to give you a little inbox love should you wish to receive the goodness (here). I’m still going to host the free quarterly call (here). I’m still going to Periscope and Blab and tour the world to work with Self-Management for Actors ninjas. I’m still going to show up at the Talkback forums and our Facebook group. And I’m definitely still going to tweet.

What else I’m going to do… I don’t yet know.

But I’m excited as hell to find out!

It’s as if the whole last half of my life just opened up in a very mysterious and exciting way! Considering what I’ve gotten done in the first 45 years, I can only imagine what’s ahead for the back 45.

STARTING with these 100 days.

Who’s with me?

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Bettina September 24, 2015 at 11:03 am

    I am ! :*
    And some of those 100 days… with you – IN PERSON! *squeeeeeeeee*
    (and that Mercury thing will have sorted itself out then as well! *yaaay*)

    Bonnie, I am so excited to see what lies ahead!
    What I already know: It will be deliciously magic and breathtakingly amazing!
    *pixie dust bomb*


    THANK YOU for those 9984+h of Greatness, Inspiration, Support, Ideas, Eye-openers and Lightbulbs, Flashes of Genius…. Love… and and and!

    I appreciate and adore you!

  2. Bon January 2, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    I love you, Bettina. **pixie dust** indeed!

  3. Sonia Carroll October 25, 2016 at 5:18 am

    Marking something everyday towards my goals for the last 100. Haven’t missed a day 🙂
    Super productive years end!!
    Bring on 2017 😉


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