Last Call for Who Inspires You Nominations

It’s the end of the month and that usually means it’s time for another dose of inspired awesomeosity! But when I went through my email inbox, I realized I had used up the last of the nominees last month. Oh no!

Now I know that with this many creative, brilliant people running around in this business, there must be more sources of inspiration than the ten I’ve featured here thus far. I thought about making this month’s Your Turn about someone who inspires me, but I’m already pretty much doing that via an experiment I’m calling “Gratitude Unplugged,” in my personal life.

So, I figured maybe I needed to us this week’s Your Turn as a reminder of exactly what I’m looking for, here, so y’all can start filling up my inbox with more goodies. The idea is that you take a look around you, observe the company you keep, find yourself inspired by someone in your circle of friends, and want the world to know about this person’s awesomeosity. Write in and nominate a friend or colleague to be featured in the Your Turn section, the last column of each month. Share the following in your email:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo)
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so)
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site)

And that’s it! This could be someone who created her own online content, someone who manages himself and always hustles, someone who coordinates group drop-offs for actors, someone who gives back to the community in amazing ways, someone who is always positive and inspiring, whatever! I look forward to learning about the people who inspire you while learning more about you in the meantime! Lemme hear from you.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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