Wow wow wow wow and wow. I love my new job. LOVE it. LOVE it. And I’m not kidding. I was so sure that I’d be needing to remind myself that I did take this job of my own free will, etc., by now. And I don’t need any of that pep-talk. I LOVE this job! How is that possible? I don’t do job-jobs! How on earth can I love this so much?
Well, it’s the people. Great crew. Really amazing team assembled to put together this show, which makes me very happy. It’s sort of like they were able to assemble a dream team and I’m so proud to be on it. Great gang.
Beyond that, I love what I’m doing. Back with Mr. Personality, I was learning the job as I was doing it. And, we’ve now established, I was doing the job of four people. Yes. Four. It’s sort of nice, seeing three other people in the office, sharing the duties I once had heaped upon me, while I “just” do my job. And get paid more. Yeah. I like that. A lot.
It seems as though everyone is also really happy to have me back, since I said no to NBC’s Who Wants To Marry My Dad casting between Mr. Personality and Paradise Hotel. I think saying no is a really important element of getting what I want out of life. Leaving Back Stage West was a form of saying no. When I think back to times when I was treated with such extreme disrespect (this is beyond the public recent stuff that everyone knows about and is really awful private stuff that I never told anyone about, as it would make people say, “Why on Earth would you ever stay at such a job??”) at the paper, I am really proud of myself for walking away and making what feels like a complete shift in the LEVEL at which I work and am rewarded for my work. The respect I’m getting now is� well� it’s about damn time. Let’s just say that.
So, yesterday was our big LA open call. Two of the guys who were called back for Mr. Personality came in for it and were given immediate callbacks. Another dear friend’s son came in and got an immediate callback too. I’m beaming with pride! So happy for my guys! I also got a few emails from my Mr. Personality guys, asking if they can do this show. Sadly, probably not. Next time, my buddies. Next time!
Blog Responses
Chip: I cannot believe that the Blue Laws even still exist in Georgia. I guess, having lived in Los Angeles for nearly five years, I’ve gotten really spoiled to the whole “no booze available” on certain days or at certain times. Very odd. But I’m glad they may be on their way out. That’s nice!
The Real World: Boston ROCKED! Who told you it didn’t? OMG, it was quite possibly the best season ever! Man!
We went to Mann’s Chinese Theatre on Friday night for X-2 and it was greatness. I always love seeing an opening night BIG film there, as there are invariably people who worked on the film in the audience. Our screening was shared with at least three people in the closing credits for the film, which was just really cool. Of course, there are a kajillion people in the credits for the show, so the odds are for something like that happening anyway. LOL. As for the film, it was too long for my tastes. Of course, you know me and my lovely inability to sit through any film longer than 82 minutes plus credits. So, for me to say it was only 20 minutes too long is a big deal. I usually will “live with” a film that’s ten minutes too long and not say anything about it, but with this one, I started re-editing the film in my mind to make it the length it should’ve been� while we were still watching it� and that’s a sign that there was some stuff that could’ve been spared. Now, all that said, let me state for the record: this was a really awesome film. I really really really loved it.
I won’t bother reviewing it. Surely everyone on the planet has seen it anyway.
Okay, so a trailer I saw that has me really excited is The Italian Job. Didn’t think I’d want to see it from the posters, but from the trailer� yeah. I’m in.
Of course, we’ll be at the opening night at Mann’s for Matrix: Reloaded and T3 in July. Much excitement. That’s more movies than I saw at all last year. Hee hee.
I’m amused at the idea of Freshmen living on campus, Chip. Since they’d been threatening that since before I came on campus as a frosh, I’m surprised they’re actually going through with it for the 2004 kids. Hm.
You asked about BBS for SpyNotebook. I registered a little EZBoard for Cricket Feet and have never used it, if you want to go poke around and see what you think. My favorite BBS seems to be the one with threaded responses and all posts visible by title. Check the links in the right margin of my Blog for all the BBS places I visit. You’ll be able to see lots of options. Good luck deciding. I’ll like it, whatever it is. Tee hee.
Okay, can I just say that “April 29th, Inaugural Chicken Day at Athens Academy” is one of the most amusing things ever! Of course, I never forget that Mr. Lee McKay taught us all that there is no such thing as a “first annual” anything, as it must be the “inaugural” version first, and THEN it becomes “annual.” Now, if only I can teach my dear cousin that “its = possessive” and “it’s = contraction for it is.” Sigh. One conquest at a time, right. Hee hee.
Love that my Georgian friends and family got to have an earthquake. One of the PAs at the office is from Georgia and, when I told her about the quake (Joni had sent me an email), she called her family and said (mock panic in her voice), “Why didn’t you call me?!? You could be dead!!” When her mom said, “Honey, it was just a little shaking,” Amanda said, “Yes. Exactly. Now stop calling me in a panic after every little quake we have out here!” LOL It was great.
Courtney: I am so impressed that you are knitting a scarf. That’s just really cool. I have so little patience for such things, and that would be such a nice craft to undertake. Sigh. Someday.
Thanks for the congrats on the Mr. Personality screen capture. That was pretty dang cool for me too. I’m such a geek like that, but it’s the kind of thing that my mom would’ve loved (she’d have paused the tape right there and made everyone that came to the house watch it). So, the capture was sort of a shout-out to her too.
Mike: Good goin’! I’m really impressed that you’re at a “finding your place in life” kind of stage. Who says you have to figure it all out on any kind of timeline? I make new stuff up all the time. And I love my life. Enjoy, man! It’s hang time!
Other Catching Up
Atkins: I’ve been on Atkins since December 15th, though I really only “mildly” do it when I’m working at the office. There just aren’t a lot of low-carb options brought in, and I can’t leave to get my own lunch. Still, I’m doing my best, and I’m certainly burning a buttload of energy in this job, running around all the time. So, I’ve lost, since December 15th, 25 pounds! Woo hoo!! Yesterday at the open call, Rich (who has known me for well over four years and sees me pretty regularly) asked how much I’d lost, saying, “Damn, you look good, girl!” Love that. So, still 30 to go, for my tastes, but I LOVE that I’m actually succeeding at this! Yay!
Observation: Y’know who gets really nasty when you let your subscription lapse? TV Guide. I’m getting all these nasty “Final Cancellation Notice” warnings and I’m like, “Yes. Please. I hope it is final. I’m sick of hearing from you.” I’m sure they’re losing a lot of subscriptions due to DirecTV’s on-screen info, TiVo’s program guides, and online access to program grids. Oh well.
So, TiVo, yes� I have become reacquainted with the greatness that is Family Guy. Wow. What a great show! I knew it anyway, but I’m really loving it this time around. The Boomtown marathon on Bravo is outstanding. I am so very happy that FCC regulations on syndication sales into cable channels don’t hold anymore. This instant rerun thing has been such a pleasure with the current season of Law & Order: Criminal Intent on USA and now Boomtown on Bravo� wow. I want to write for Boomtown. I think I’ll save a few more eps and do some research. I’m probably nowhere near qualified to do crime drama writing, but I sure do love that show’s writing. I’m really impressed with a script written by Mykelti Williamson about a child who was molested by a coach and grew up to pass that same legacy on to other children. I’m actually going to write to him, to see about some joint venture action. I’ve learned, based on some very recent connections with industry folk, that it is highly appropriate to reach out to people whose work you admire, say so, and then move forward with some collaborations. I have a few things going on right now about which I’m very excited. It’s just a really, seriously, really good time these days. ‘Nuff said.
Bummer: 90210 skipped a season. Dangit. I’m getting Kelly post-fire, Val with Dylan in Mexico hunting down his money, and Andrea in love with some med student. Last week, Brenda was cast in the play and Laura hadn’t even tried to kill herself yet. Grr. How dare the skip the whole evolution of David and Clare’s relationship or the departure of Brenda and the reveal that Val’s a pothead! Grr, indeed.
TicTac: My baby car passed the Smog Check! Woo hoo! I was worried, since it failed a few years ago when I had it tested the first time, and it’s� well� older now. Nearly 14 to be exact. “Bless its widdle heart,” as Mom would say.
Chicklet: That’s the name for my baby G4. It’s so great! And it’s earning a living too. Just learned I get $50/wk. for allowing the production company to use it (via me) for the show. So, we’re both on the payroll. Nice. Problem is, it has a wobble. Any other PowerBook owners having this issue? And what are your thoughts on it? Should I just deal?
Dreams: My daytime ones are beautiful. My nighttime ones are deception, anxiety, accountability related stuff. Weird. I think it’s all the carbs.
Check the Cricket Feet Calendar for goings-on I won’t have time to email out with any regularity, and make sure you visit the Hollywood Happy Hour site for the recap of May 1st’s event and scoop on the June 5th event to come. I should have it updated shortly. I hope. It was great fun, as always!
‘Til my next day off�
Lengthy Update
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Even though we miss you so badly on the boards, I am *SO* thrilled that things are only getting better for you (like we ever had any doubt that the universe would Do The Right Thang)
Forget me not at your next HHH event in June – it’s on my birthday…
[originally posted from IP: on 05.05.03 – 6:19 pm]
Heard this thing about blogging on NPR this morning. I just thought you’d be interested. Hope I linked it right!
Def Jam
[originally posted from IP: on 05.06.03 – 7:07 am]
Where it says “posted by…” is the link – I think.
Def Jam
[originally posted from IP: on 05.06.03 – 7:08 am]