Your articles have such great timing in my career!

I loved your recent one about not letting small details in the script derail your acting in the audition.

I just had my second series regular audition this pilot season, which is a shattering record for me. Hey, I’m coming up on my 11th year in Hollywood!

I prepared with my acting coach to make the strongest choices. As I waited in the room, I saw the other actors waiting and whisper the lines to themselves. It was crazy. Casting isn’t looking for a beautiful line reading. They’re looking for personality, and you can’t show that if you’re too busy trying to remember a prepositional phrase or someone’s name.

Even more so with series regular auditions, you have to just be yourself in the given circumstances. I saw the sheer number of actors they were reading for this part and I just started to laugh. I can’t control any of this process. I’m just happy to be here to give it a shot.

Eric Kan

Eric, you’re awesome. It has been so much fun for me to see your career grow over the years we’ve been interacting through this column. That you’re going out for series regular roles this pilot season is outstanding! Love your focus, love your attitude, and love that you’re continuing to tier up, up, and up.

Thanks for the feedback on “Acting vs. Exacting.” Thrilled to know you were enjoying the ride of going in for yet another pilot. Keep rockin’ it and keep booking the room.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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