We’re telling people.
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Thanks to our most wonderful hush-hush friends for helping us keep this private for as long as we have. And congrats to those who figured it out despite our best efforts to keep it very low-key.
Honestly, doing this with only four days of planning was a lot less stressful than the way we were trying to do it back in 2002. And keeping it private was a nice way to honor the intimacy of it all.
So, yeah. I’m a Mrs. Who’dathunkit?!? Tee hee.
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WOW! Congratulations to you both! What beautiful happy pictures. I’m so excited for you!!!
Best wishes, Bonnie! That’s wonderful!
YAY!!!! Congratulations, and best wishes for many, many years of happiness!
I kept a secret! I kept a secret!
A quiet year then, generally?
Congratulations Bonnie!
I’da thunk it for a start. What’s not to thunk?
Congratulations to you both!
yay! congrats. big hugs to both of you.
Couldn’t have happened to two better people!! Congrats. Here is to years and years of bliss.
I love you, Bonnie!! Congrats to you both! *muah*
Bonnie – we are so happy for you – for all of you. You look radiant and so full of joy. Congrats!
Mazel tov!!!
What?? I thought you guys WERE married!!
Congrats and best wishes!!!
Holy cats! Well, didbn’t you two just sneak that in… HUGE congratulations and celebrations to you. It’s about time!