I haven’t mentioned that we have received quite a few submissions for Consider As True at our post office box with a note written on them: TUB INSIDE ON FLOOR. What does this mean? We’ve wondered this quite a bit.
I theorized that perhaps some casting company (one of those places that charges actors a fee in order to do submissions on their collective behalf) had a sign up for my casting, and if someone came after hours, he or she put his or her headshot envelope under the door with a note on it to get the folks to put it in the “tub inside on floor” or something.
Yeah. I come up with elaborate tales.
Keith went to the post office today to (finally) collect the delivery we’d gotten a notice about (23 cents postage due, meaning it was some silly actor who mailed a headshot with only a 37 cent stamp, not with the added 23 cent stamp for the extra size). When he was at the counter, he asked the clerk about the “tub inside on floor” note, since… here again today… it was on something from inside our box. The clerk looked at our box number and said, “Hang on,” and walked away.
She then came around to the door on the side of the counter and brought out four (yes, FOUR) mail tubs of submissions for this film. Yes… that’s nearly 120 pounds of headshots and resumés Keith had to haul home. Hundreds and hundreds (hell, surely over a thousand) of submissions for a little indie (non-paying) feature film.
And, of course, pre-reads were this past weekend.
What the hell am I supposed to do with all of this MAIL???
Oh my my my my my
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