Here’s the best news about always having a few pots simmering on the stove at all times.

When you need to focus more attention on another dish, you can turn the heat down on one eye, up on another, stir in other ingredients, and end up with a magical feast.
Now, I don’t cook, so I know that’s probably a way sloppy analogy, but here’s the point:
Keith and I always have so damn much going on at once that when one of those things doesn’t quite work out, it’s not like we throw up our hands and exclaim that dinner is ruined! What we do instead is turn the heat up elsewhere and keep on cookin’!
To wit:
Called all of the actors (and agents of actors) cast in Shrinks (cast webpage will be added later for your viewing pleasure), discussed the next casting gig with that project’s director (a feature film), met with the principals of a wonderful Hollywood startup about further deepening our relationship (press release to come next week), attended the SAG Indie Contracts Workshop, and left there having committed to a new column for actors plus another SAG LifeRaft event (this one for kid actors and their parents).
Sure as hell doesn’t feel like the same day it started out being.

Keith and I toast tonight with the champagne Maria and Kevan bought me for my birthday (and giggle over the rest of the gift, which was brilliant and private). We drink a toast to COOKING. Always cooking.
Oh, and Wayne, you’ll probably NOT be surprised by this, but I had delicious salmon for dinner tonight after the SAG event! You are ON, man!
Thanks, everyone, for the lovely vibes and well-wishing and hugs. It’s cool. As I tell actors all the time: Focus on the WORK, not the GIG. Right on.
Remember: you don’t have to worry about the bowling pins that are in the air. Y’only have to start thinking about the ones that are coming down.
Keep soaring, you two, ever higher.
Best wishes from the Dirty Lab!