Refining Our Pickers

Bonnie, I love your articles.

Hero of the Moment in particular really hit the nail on the head, and I just had this happen to me two days ago! I had a hotshot in London tell me he could recommend me to an agent once I move to LA. This agent turned out to be a casting director. Not only that, it was a casting director he used once to cast one of his commercials. Fail!

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks. As I mentioned, I’m moving to LA (in September to be exact) and going over all of your past articles has been one of the most informative and encouraging things I could do during such a big life change. Thank you for that, and all the best with the ones to come.

Alexandra Harris

How wonderful! I’m excited for you and your upcoming move to Los Angeles. It’s so thrilling to make that big move and I can assure you, there will be plenty of ways to plug in with various communities here, meet great people, build relationships authentically, and have fun as you pursue your dreams.

I’ve recently worked with a few Brits who introduced me to the Brits in LA breakfasts and Facebook Group. I’ve also learned of a great group called Second Sundays, which is similar to the Tuesdays @9 group I’ve mentioned several times before, here. I’m a big fan of the LA Actors’ Tweet-Up, of course. And for online support, there’s the wonderful Yahoo Group for Hollywood Happy Hour.

Lots of ways to plug in, meet some folks, decide what your speed might be, and build your community as soon as you get here (or before, thanks to the online communities that go along with many of these groups). Good luck with your move!

Oh, and good for you, identifying Hero of the Moment types. They’ll crop up everywhere, of course, but it’s like I say: We’re not having bad experiences; we’re just always “refining our pickers.” Makes it way easier to find the right people, next time.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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