So Long, Self-Produced Clip of the Week!

Wait. What? Straight to Your Turn? What happened to the Self-Produced Clip of the Week? Ah… so glad you asked.

Well, over two years ago, there was a dearth of structured celebration of self-produced content. There was YouTube. There was Funny or Die. There was this new thing called The Streamys starting up. And there was a lot of “post and pray,” as Mark Gantt calls it. You’d post your vid and pray that folks would bump into it, become fans, help you with a tier jump.

Today, there are dozens of niche channels of distribution for actors’ self-produced content, so your webseries can find a home among its peers, rather than being a needle in a video haystack amongst Charming Older Couple Plays Piano at the Mayo Clinic and Secret Kitten (both of which are awesome).

When I launched Self-Produced Clip of the Week (which Jeremy Redleaf immediately coined SPCotW), it was to shine a light on a sector of online content that was being underserved, a few years back. Now? The lights are coming from all directions and the stars of self-producing are taking center stage. They’re getting development deals, they’re being distributed, they’re popping on the industry’s radar in ways formerly reserved for actors with top agents, pitching their hearts out.

Good. Mission accomplished. Congratulations to all of the badass actors whose self-produced content has been celebrated here in the past two years.

That’s: Aimee Shyn, Allie Smith, Amy Peterson, Ana Kelly, Angela Landis, Anna Campbell, Annie Little, Anthony Bradford, Ashley Rose, Audrey Bentham, Ayman Samman, Bobby Reed, Brandi Ford, Brandon Dunaway, Brandon Michael Cater, Brett Weiner, Brian McElhaney, Briana Rayner, Brittany Joyner, Byron Lane, Cecelia Specht, Charlene de Guzman, Charlyne Yi, Chris Rubeiz, Christian Anderson, Christian Lee, Christina Diaz, Courtney Bennet, Dan Roe, Daniela De Carlo, Danielle Cloutier, Danny Grossman, David Hill, Deena Adar, Derek Houck, Deven Green, Elizabeth Schmidt, Ella Morton, Eric Loya, Erich Lane, Erik Weiner, Ernest L. Dancy, Etta Devine, Gabriel Diani, Gray Kid, Greg Benson, Hank Green, Helenna Santos, Ian Lokey, J. Anthony McCarthy, Jackie Brechner, Jaime Robledo, James Runcorn, Jamie Moniz, Jason Henning, Jeff Nichols, Jennica Schwartzman, Jennifer Betit Yen, Jeremy Redleaf, Jesse Bernstein, Jesse London, Jesse Porter, Jesse Schmitt, Jessica Mills, Jessica Runck, Jimmy Lucia, Joel Bryant, Jonathan Root, Joshua Bevier, Joshua Sikora, Julie Mitchell, Justen Overlander, Justin Davidson, Justin Fair, Karen Commins, Kate VanDevender, Katey Wheelhouse, Katherine Browning, Kathrin Smirke, Katie Schmitt, Kerry Snyder, Kimberly Trew, Kristin Rodriguez-Gill, Kristyn Burtt, Layton Matthews, Lesley Tsina, Luc-Olivier Cloutier, Marc Ostrick, Marie-Ève Hébert, Marilyn Anne Michaels, Maritza Cabrera, Martti Nelson, Max Dionne, Meagan Flynn, Micah Moss, Mike Polk, Misty Mills, Mylinda Royer, Nate Barlow, Nick Kocher, Nicole Stuart, Noah Longo, Paris Tanaka, Phillip Daniel, Robert Campbell, Robert Keniston, Ron Brosh, Samantha Kinkaid, Scott Michael Foster, Seth Coltan, Shanna Micko, Shon Little, Stephanie Scott, Steve Sabo, Stewart Moore, Sujata Day, Tara Jayn, Tate Hanyok, Teresa Reilly, Terri J. Freedman, Timothy Brennen, Tobi Aremu, Tony Pinizzotto, Travis Richey, and Wendy Rosoff.

And congratulations to the generation of hyphenates to come. Stay inspired. Keep creating!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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