So in love with you am I.

I’ve only been using it for two days but I way love ToRead. Way.
Lifehacker told me about it by way of my Rojo (which Beffers turned me on to).
ToRead sends you the text of a website you want to read later… sends it to your email. So that you can have it with you offline or in your handheld or wherever the heck you want it whenever the heck you want it and you don’t have to do that stupid trick that never works very well (for me) which is commonly known as bookmark-a-bunch-of-tabs and (maybe) come back to read them later… oh, but wait, now the page is archived or for paid members only or some other such nonsense. This solves all of that. So effin’ cool.
Headed to the season four wrap party for CSI: Miami with my husband the co-star later today. Woo! Excited to support him and meet some of his people. 😉 And it’s nearby. Again, woo!
I’ve been spending most of my time finishing my updates to contributions to Judy Kerr‘s awesome book, Acting Is Everything, fielding pitch calls on HILMMAKS (now that pilot season is over, everyone is getting way antsy on how casting might be progressing–which is slowly, but they don’t want to believe that. Agents are all afraid we’re missing their people during sessions we’re not yet having), working up a column that is perhaps the most business-minded of any I’ve ever written (way ambitious too), and gearing up for a meeting lunch with a major player (and I’m about to start calling producer friends to figure out what the heck to expect from this encounter–while Keith begs me to just go in “open,” which I will, but dangit I just want to get some idea. SOME).
Signing off with HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to the lovely Faith Salie, the amazing Bob Clendenin, and the spunky Belinda Berdes. What a great day for talented people to be born!

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  1. Ed R April 14, 2006 at 5:28 pm

    GOod luck with the major player, Bon. You’re a major player yourself, you know. He’ll recognize that, I think.
    I hoep it’s who I think it is.


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