Thank You for Pick Your Hard

Hi Bonnie,

I just wanted to let you know your last column “Pick Your Hard” actually brought tears to my eyes. It is what I needed to hear at the time. In fact my daughter and I had a discussion about choices just last evening. We are in the middle of making the transition (two kids in the business) to LA from what is a great life to another that is unknown and full of risk. For the last few weeks I have been wondering if I am going the right thing. Glad to know it’s part of the process.

I have you to thank for being in this position! Two and half years ago when my daughter said she wanted to act, I brought your book Self-Management for Actors. I am on my third copy! I followed it, took the business seriously, discovered my son also loved and was good at it, took classes, self submitted, built the resumé, got demo, put up websites, and from that were contacted by an LA manager and are finally auditioning for LA projects.

We are in the middle of transitioning out there permanently. I can say that I could not have done it without your guidance. Thank you.

Our big decision for the kids was school. They are in a college prep school that was very difficult to get into and that provides an excellent education but is not supportive of the frequent trips out to LA. In the end, we know we will have to be out there permanently. I am in the process now of trying to find a quality education with flexibility. I have been to to get started.

Keep up putting it out there,
Lisa W.

Lisa, this is awesome. I think some of my favorite emails come from parents of young actors, especially if they’re in the right state of mind for helping their kids thrive in the industry. That Self-Management for Actors has been a part of that journey makes me very happy. That BizParentz has been a part of that journey really makes me happy, because their resources for parents of kid actors are outstanding. Please also check out the message board PARF, which focuses on issues of the young actor and his or her parents. It’s a fantastic community!

Pick Your Hard” seems to have resonated with a bunch of readers, and that’s awesome, but it’s also an indication of how big a part of the picture the emotional struggle in this business can be. The good news is, the earlier in your career (or in your kids’ career) you get clear on the mindset issues that bite many creatives in the proverbial butt down the line, the better off you’ll be! Because you’ll have laid the groundwork for a career that can survive the Dichotomy Required for success, here.

Congrats on the successes your kids have already had and good for you, keeping them balanced and happy as they go! Keep me posted on the big move! It’s exciting, for sure!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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