Bonjour Bonnie,

Good Lord Gonzo, you are positively hilarious, woman! Thanks again for calling me in the other week on The Beauty in the Broken. Even though I can’t believe they found anybody MORE INSANE than even *I* for the smaller mental patient roles, it was pure joy reading your enthusiasm in the pre-callback message and being seen by you again after so long!

And thanks for the “nut butter storytelling” Actors Access article I just read about embodying an “unclouded” brand in our storytelling. It has only been in the past three years of finally acting fulltime that I have gotten into the mindset that it is absolutely essential for a character actor such as myself — who prides himself on NOT being ANY type other than a broad-ranged chameleon — to stop “keeping my options as open as possible” by simply embracing the aggressive, caged instability like Jack Nicholson within me more than any other sweet, polite, compassionate, belligerent, steadfast, or creepy Philip Seymour Hoffman-esque characters I keep “at the ready.”

Your Actors Access article, like your callback message (and other compositions I’m looking forward to reading… ;D) was precisely what I’ve been needing to hear as I continue making my way in this art-business.

It has been a long, winding road from growing up in Wyoming and performing around the world before ultimately moving to Los Angeles nine years ago — and it takes down-to-earth, jovial folks like you on the other side of the camera to help get my stubborn, independent, wild, and woolly spirit to understand how to adapt my Art of War. Or, as I prefer to call it these days, “The Art of Happiness and How It Coincides with a Warm Gun.”

In a sunflower nutshell (huh?… HUH?!?), thanks for being such a wicked awesome ornery critter; I look forward to doing whatever you may need to help you continue kicking ass!

K. Harrison Sweeney,
Gonzo Chameleon

Hank, you’re a joy. A pure ray of sunshine. Your audition was so much fun, and your choices were so bold and well thought out. The whole process of casting that film was a blast and I’m so glad to have been able to involve you in the experience! I’m especially thrilled that you read and enjoyed my callback Cmail. 😉 I’m wordy… but there’s good info in there. Ha!

I love that you embrace your youness. It really is the only way to fly, isn’t it? Stay on-brand, keep loving the journey, and I look forward to bringing you in again soon!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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