When it comes down to it, you’re all freakin’ talented, beautiful people. You know that, right? Obviously, you take your career seriously, you invest in training, you keep your union dues paid (or you’re working toward your union membership), you do your research, you love being a part of the storytelling process, and, quite frankly, you’re awesome. Yay!

So, what gets you the edge?

Three things.


Be consistent. Show up. Do that thing that you make look effortless. Connect with the material and do good work. Don’t attempt to “change things up” just for the sake of stretching your range. Know your brand, display your brand, make no one worried that they’ll get something other than exactly what you bullseye, when they call you in.

Don’t concern yourself with anyone else’s bullseye or anyone else’s game. Celebrate your youness. Do your best work. Keep doing it. Keep, keep, keep doing it. Make your most prominent muscle the one that is you, hitting your bullseye, delivering that work that only you can do. Build your brand.


Be cool. Or, as Wil Wheaton likes to chant: “Don’t be a dick.” There’s a lot of downtime on a set, a lot of rehearsal time on a play, a lot of “hang time” no matter what the project. Being a diva, being difficult, being anything other than a total professional — no matter the circumstances — gets you on the “life’s too short” list. Especially in a world where there are seemingly infinite choices for every role, your ability to put a smile on the face of every member of the crew can make a huge difference in whether or not you are cast.

Further, people love to bring good people together. Hell, it’s one of my life goals, personally. I surround myself with the best people on the planet, I make sure they know one another, and then I stand back while they make magic happen. It’s a beautiful thing. Try it. It feels great to put good people together. And it’s really easy, because they’re good people! They tend to get along. 🙂


This is probably the easiest one, because it’s something you really don’t control too much. Because your training is a no-brainer, because you obviously are talented (or else you wouldn’t put your whole life into this pursuit), because you love being a part of the storytelling process, those factors that ARE within your control, you already do. The rest is all about whether the buyers (those casting directors, producers, directors whose stories you’re helping tell) value what it is that you do.

Are you in their script? Is there a character out there that lines up with who you are? Sure. It may take a while — particularly if you are of a very specific niche, type-wise — but it will happen. Sooner, even, if you are on top of all those factors you DO control.

Amazing how that happens.

How are your “three things” shaping up? Are you consistent? Are you a good person? Do you add value to any project that’s looking to tell a story that you are lined up to tell?

There’s not a lot you control, as an actor, but that stuff that IS within your control? Seriously, folks. GET ON IT. That’s your edge.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001477.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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