Truly Wonderful

Y’know what’s truly wonderful? Just having an average day (certainly, there were many very cool things that happened today, so I don’t want to discount that, but really it was just an average day, by most counts) and realizing, “Man! I have the BEST life!”

I’m so very happy. Yes, it’s great that I’m moving. Yes, it’s delightful that I’m in demand in the casting world so soon after entering it. Yes, it’s always bliss to receive a thank you note from a reader somewhere. Yes, it’s true happiness that I have a partner who loves and supports me. And it’s also simply WONDERFUL that I just love this life.

Wow. That’s just about the best kind of end-of-the-day thought out there. Had to share.

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1 Comment

  1. JeanNINE August 6, 2004 at 11:55 am

    Hi Bonnie!
    I’m one of your readers (a beginning actor as well), and I just wanted to stop in and tell you that you are an incredibly inspiring person. From where I sit, you *should* be thankful for your life – and proud of how you’ve been living it, too. You are an absolute LIGHT.
    Congratulations on your happiness, and on your new move. I really enjoy your writing, be it in your non-fiction books, or here on your blog. You’re so *real,* and absolutely terrific.