Hmm… Been getting a lot of traffic lately. Two emails in two days stand out in particular. One challenges my beliefs about my body and theories about the psychological / emotional benefits to resisting change – asking to be added to my journals as a rebuttal. The other is a cease-and-desist of sorts, for something that only exists in the vaguest of terms in my public journals.
What this brings me to is this: why have I chosen this public (?) forum for my journaling? Well, at first, I was joining in Sloane’s BABE2000 quest. That fizzled, but I began getting very touching feedback from friends and family. Folks wanted me to know that I had their support, that they’d been through similar things, that my words challenged their beliefs, and that this very personal “peep-hole” was pretty cool.
While only those who know me really KNOW that this is here (or would even take the time to look at it), it still is “public” – and I have to question my motivation in being so “out” about my issues. Yes, it invites controversy. It may seem self-indulgent and melodramatic. But anyone who’s known me for any length of time knows that I too am these things. And part of my decision-making process in getting to this point in my life has involved being honest. Genuine. Open. So, what you’re getting is a real look into ME. Values, Neuroses, Fears, Baggage, and 100% what’s on my mind. It’s not meant to affect you or validate YOUR opinions in any way. It’s just me, living my life.
I guess all I can do is say, you’ve been warned. If you don’t like what you’re reading… STOP. It’s just like TV. You invite the signal into your home and tune in the violent show… then you complain about violence on television… I’m sorry, you can’t have it all. No one forces you to watch what repels you. And for the many, many more supportive than negative emails and calls I receive: THANK YOU.
Tune Out or Shut Up
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