This week’s column is going to feel like a contradiction. Often I’ll tell actors who feel the need to explain how very badly they “want it” and how very much they’ll “do anything” to have a career in show business that they need to cool their jets on leading with that information. Why? Because no one in the history of ever was cast because he wanted it the most.

Casting comes down to being a good fit for the role, having the chops to do the job, getting seen by the right buyers at the right time for that opportunity to align, and being perceived as the type of actor who will help the crew make its day. None of that has to do with how much you want it.

But that juicy stuff that lives in your gut — the drive, the will to win, that fuel for getting through the toughest days — it’s important too.

Instead of calling it how much you want it, let’s call it your vision.

Where do you see yourself in this industry? In your wildest dreams, what roles are you playing and with whom are you sharing the stage or screen? Whose words are coming out of your mouth? Who has directed you? When it comes down to the WORK, get as specific as possible about your vision for exactly what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it.

Now, let’s think about where all of that lives, compared with where you are right now. How far off are you from that vision?

More importantly, how close are you to that vision and how can you *make* where you currently are closer to what you envision?

The role of your dreams? You can play it today. Write it. Shoot it. Done. The co-stars you most want? You may not be able to get Meryl Streep to help you with your self-produced short, but you can ask the strongest actor in your ongoing scene study class if he’ll help bring your story to life. Within your current environment, aim high. Then expand your circle and aim higher. Every time.

If you’re crazy to do a scene by Aaron Sorkin, transcribe one from one of his lesser-known projects and cast yourself in a role no one remembers. Learn the structure, the pacing, the feel of his words — as an actor, not just as a fan — and shoot a sample scene for your reel. Can’t get Quentin Tarantino to direct you (yet)? No worries. Ask the top director within your circle (there’s that circle again) to direct you for a day. Spring for dinner. Get the experience of having your performance choices shaped by the person you most respect within your reach.

Start there. Your vision is ever closer, when you take these steps to *get* closer to it, every day. Because without vision, your type, your talent, your timing, even your fiery passion just don’t line up as easily. Make it easy! Commit to your vision today.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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