Who Inspires Mariana Vily? Erin Cronican!

So, four weeks ago, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! Please, keep sending in the goods. My email address is at the bottom of this page. For those who didn’t see the call, here’s the “what I need” info:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo)
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so)
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site)

So, who inspires you? Well, here’s who inspires Mariana Vily:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo): Mariana Vily
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity: Erin Cronican
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so): Erin actively pursues acting both in musicals and film in NYC. She is also a career coach and teacher of the business of acting, which, as far as my knowledge goes, is not so common there. The reason she inspires me is that she’s an expert in making things happen for herself. She produces a series of staged readings so actors can brush up their musical theatre skills. She co-hosts NYC Actors Tweet-Up. As an actor, she is thriving right now, what with an upcoming role in a new musical and the screening of a film she stars in. As a career coach, her advice is personalized, down-to-earth, and accurate, and aims at creating a community among her students. Her business website includes a section for giving back to the community. She also advises actors for free in her blog. Plus, she’s also a really nice person.
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site): actor website, business website, bite-size business for actors, Facebook fanpage.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001275.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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