How much do I love this piece that Camille Mana wrote for Back Stage West? SO MUCH!
(And it’s not just b/c she mentions me in it, bringing the grand total “my name in print” instances to THREE in as many weeks at BSW, although that’s just giddy-making fun.)
This is a wonderful article by an articulate and brilliantly talented young lady who is going to OWN this town before she’s 25. Count on it.
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Cool story…Don’t you just love seeing your name in print? I have only seen my name in print like three times in my life. It is just too cool.
I remember her from years ago at Wolfesden. Couldn’t happen to a nicer girl!
Yay for “Lil Camille”! Great article! So proud of her!
WTG, sis for being mentioned not once, not twice, but, 3 TIMES in… ahem… “that” paper!!!
Love ya!
OMG, I love reading that story!