12 of 12 for August 2006

Happy 12 of 12! See Chad’s blog for details on what this project entails and join us next month, won’t you?
Click any photo for a larger version. Enjoy!

3:56am: I’ve been up for two hours or so, working on my Eventful page, emailing with Babes McPhee about the staged reading in a few hours and doing 12 of 12. Wondering if we’ll take photos of each other taking our 12 of 12 photos.

5:06am: Finally paying bills. Stack of trash from opening bills (on the right) is about four times the size of the stack of bills (on the left, on top of my computer (which is why it looks like more paperwork… it’s up higher to start with)).

7:13am: Fairly typical Bon breakfast (gluten-free organic popcorn sprinkled with Molly McButter in a flavor they don’t make anymore). Now going to write royalty checks to Cricket Feet authors who aren’t me. Luckily, 92% of July’s check from the distributor was for books I wrote, so this quarter’s payouts aren’t too painful.

9:14am: Finished a “fiendish” Sudoku and now Archie and I are going to take a nap before the day really gets going. (Yes, this is my typical schedule… NOT typical to anyone but me.)

9:38am: Falling asleep for ONE 90-minute sleep cycle (or at least that’s the goal). I totally overslept by 30 minutes and had bizarre dreams about being in a play, wearing a gorgeous pink and red satin dress, and then riding on a pontoon boat and having costars trying to get Fred Goss to kiss me.

1:15pm: Babes McPhee at the staged reading, slicing up her soon-to-be-famous BunnerCakes for us to enjoy. (Holy crap, that’s some good gluten-free, vegan, rich chocolate cake action going on there.)

3:01pm: BONUS PIC. This month, the word is HOMAGE and I decided to pay homage to the dream that leads so many thousands of artists here.

3:22pm: Had to double back to the staged reading location to pick up Keith’s cell phone, which he had left behind. I stayed in the air-conditioned car, parked in the shade, thankyouverymuch.

3:35pm: We’re on the 405 and I decide to snap a photo of one of the camouflaged power poles. These and the “fake palm trees” that are really gussied-up cell phone towers crack me up.

3:51pm: Trying to find something better on the radio. (I am obsessed with how long and healthy my fingernails are.)

4pm-ish: This is our neighbor’s hot tub, suspended above its typical nesting spot on the patio of his $1.3M condo. It was funny, watching the guys crank this thing up yesterday. I have no idea why it’s like this or how long it will be this way.

6:05pm: I’ve finished dinner and email business regarding a bit of casting I’m still wrapping up (no, I still haven’t started my column yet) and now I’m headed back to bed (yes, I’ll get another 90 minutes then be up all night), but first I must capture the coloring mastery. Quinn and I each did a Snakes on a Plane picture in June, and these are posted on our heater with magnets from Boybutante and AT&T.

6:20pm: Salema LOVES the naps! She who hides all other times, craves some headbutt-love that is hers for the getting at naptime.

8:33pm: I’m up and editing the 12 of 12 to post. Woo! Another day in the life of me. Hope you enjoyed it!

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  1. drc August 12, 2006 at 10:10 pm

    I didn’t feel up to the 12 of 12 today, but thoroughly enjoyed yours.
    Nice to know other people sleep in nap periods. I sleep in 2 or 3 hour increments

  2. Babes August 12, 2006 at 10:56 pm

    woohoo!! thank you BOTH SOO MUCH for coming!!
    the good news is, my play rocks as it is. the better news is, it is going to rock SO MUCH HARDER when I gut it and go HGTV design star on its ass!
    (please note, I just backspaced “it’s” and rewrote “its”)
    and p.s. do you like BunnerCakes? or Cakes McPhee? i personally think whatever i call the brand, my one SIGNATURE cake will be called “The Vegan McPheegan.”
    oh and p.p.s. blogger is NOT posting pictures right now! harumph times a hundred and five.

  3. Leigh August 12, 2006 at 11:47 pm

    Nice photos! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Susan Lee August 13, 2006 at 12:00 am

    Thanks for introducing me to the 12 of 12. I love the pics on the fridge and the kitties.

  5. Helen August 13, 2006 at 2:39 am

    I can’t believe how early you get up! Blimey.
    Also, it seems everyone puts times with their photos, which I’d either not noticed or forgotten (I think I’d mostly only read my friend’s 12 of 12, and Chad’s). Maybe next time!

  6. Beth August 13, 2006 at 6:18 am

    Looks like a great day Bonnie! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  7. Teena August 13, 2006 at 8:53 am

    Great pix! Looks like an interesting day … so different from mine 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  8. Signe August 13, 2006 at 11:28 am

    Very nice to see your pictures as well 🙂

  9. Chad August 13, 2006 at 5:01 pm

    Hey you! Thanks again for being a part of it! The pics are great!

  10. Jennifer August 13, 2006 at 5:04 pm

    Wow – May I ask how you function on so little sleep!!! I need at least 6 hours to make it through my day.
    Great pics!

  11. Shea August 13, 2006 at 7:25 pm

    Love it!
    Snakes on a Plane coloring sheets? Genius! Can’t wait til Thursday!
    Oh and when we are rich and live in houses, we’ll still have cray-cray neighbors, only rich ones. Who breed fake babies and hate jewish people. The world will label them eccentric, but to us, they’ll always be cuh-ray-zeeeeee!

  12. Nuance August 13, 2006 at 8:34 pm

    Bon, you must be the only person I know of who has a weirder sleep schedule than mine! Only slightly weirder, though.
    I’m going to try these 12 of 12 photos some day. Yesterday would have been a great time to do it, because I was bussing back from London where my play with the blind theatre group went great. They needed my eyes for some of it, but guiding was actually fun. But I didn’t have my camera because I just couldn’t fit one more square inch into my luggage. Next month.
    I would like to get Babes’s vegan chocolate cake recipe! 🙂

  13. Maria August 13, 2006 at 9:03 pm

    very cool stuff—I’m loving the 12 of 12 game. Incidentally, Hand and Foot is a kind of Canasta, on steroids.
    See ya next month!

  14. Abby August 13, 2006 at 10:02 pm

    Ah, those lovely bills to pay…don’t you just love it? LOL! And wow, I hope that hot tub doesn’t fall over! Great pics…thank’s for sharing!

  15. Teena August 14, 2006 at 10:20 am

    Great pix! Thanks for sharing!
    Mine are up too 🙂

  16. courtney August 14, 2006 at 1:03 pm

    Now I know your secret to accomplishing more than is humanly possible: you never sleep! Evidently it is good for you–if you give up one 90-minute sleep cycle you could go back into hand modeling. Pretty pretty!

  17. Bon September 4, 2006 at 1:35 am

    Finally getting around to replying to comments here!
    drc: I didn’t feel up to the 12 of 12 today, but thoroughly enjoyed yours.
    Sorry you weren’t up to doing it but very glad you enjoyed mine! Think you’ll be doing it this month? So excited!
    drc: Nice to know other people sleep in nap periods. I sleep in 2 or 3 hour increments
    Isn’t it great? I just get too antsy sleeping much longer than that. Of course, sometimes I’ll do my hibernation thing and sleep for 15 to 20 hours in one day (I do this twice a year or so), but I really just only need a few hours… which is great! I get so much done. 😉
    Babes: woohoo!! thank you BOTH SOO MUCH for coming!!
    Wasn’t that fun?
    Babes: the good news is, my play rocks as it is. the better news is, it is going to rock SO MUCH HARDER when I gut it and go HGTV design star on its ass!
    I cannot WAIT to read it!
    Babes: (please note, I just backspaced “it’s” and rewrote “its”)
    Phew! Then I know we have hope, as friends. 😉
    Babes: and p.s. do you like BunnerCakes? or Cakes McPhee? i personally think whatever i call the brand, my one SIGNATURE cake will be called “The Vegan McPheegan.”
    I like BunnerCakes. 😉
    Babes: oh and p.p.s. blogger is NOT posting pictures right now! harumph times a hundred and five.
    Leigh: Nice photos! Thanks for sharing!!
    Thanks for visiting, Leigh!
    Susan Lee: Thanks for introducing me to the 12 of 12. I love the pics on the fridge and the kitties.
    Kitties are always a hit, aren’t they. 😉 If only they weren’t so dang evil!
    Helen: I can’t believe how early you get up! Blimey.
    It varies. 😉 Sometimes I’m considered “up late” instead of “up early.” Hee!
    Helen: Also, it seems everyone puts times with their photos, which I’d either not noticed or forgotten (I think I’d mostly only read my friend’s 12 of 12, and Chad’s). Maybe next time!
    August was actually the first time I put times with my photos!! I realized, in visiting others’ 12 of 12, that I was totally NOT doing that and that I was probably supposed to. So, we’ll see if I’m successful at doing it again in September.
    Beth: Looks like a great day Bonnie! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
    Thank you, Beth! I appreciate you stopping by!
    Teena: Great pix! Looks like an interesting day … so different from mine 🙂 Thanks for stopping by mine!
    You bet, Teena! Isn’t it a blast?!? Yay!
    Signe: Very nice to see your pictures as well 🙂
    And yours too, Signe. I love “meeting” all of these people through 12 of 12!
    Chad: Hey you! Thanks again for being a part of it! The pics are great!
    Oh, Chad! Our wonderful host. Thank you so much for having created this wonderful day in the life photo essay. It’s just a blast and a really wonderful reminder to honor the little things.
    Jennifer: Wow – May I ask how you function on so little sleep!!! I need at least 6 hours to make it through my day. Great pics!
    Thanks Jennifer. I’ve both tried to get more sleep (doesn’t work) and known friends who have tried “my way” (doesn’t work for them either). I think some people just have the ability (or malfunction) to handle the schedule. *shrug* I used to really try to fight it. It was exhausting. So, now I just do what my body tells me to do!
    Shea: Love it! Snakes on a Plane coloring sheets? Genius! Can’t wait til Thursday! Oh and when we are rich and live in houses, we’ll still have cray-cray neighbors, only rich ones. Who breed fake babies and hate jewish people. The world will label them eccentric, but to us, they’ll always be cuh-ray-zeeeeee!
    You’re brilliant, Shea. I’m so glad we did the SoaP thing together. You are just a really awesome chickie.
    Nuance: Bon, you must be the only person I know of who has a weirder sleep schedule than mine! Only slightly weirder, though.
    Totally. Hee!
    Nuance: I’m going to try these 12 of 12 photos some day. Yesterday would have been a great time to do it, because I was bussing back from London where my play with the blind theatre group went great. They needed my eyes for some of it, but guiding was actually fun. But I didn’t have my camera because I just couldn’t fit one more square inch into my luggage. Next month.
    Oh, that would’ve been such a great 12 of 12 (and I love that you’re doing that). September for sure!!
    Nuance: I would like to get Babes’s vegan chocolate cake recipe! 🙂
    Yo, Babes… you gonna help a sistah out?
    Maria: very cool stuff—I’m loving the 12 of 12 game. Incidentally, Hand and Foot is a kind of Canasta, on steroids. See ya next month!
    I LOVE Canasta!!!!! If I could get Keith to play that and Shanghai Rummy every day, I would. He’s just not into it. Bummer. I kick ASS at card games. Ah, man… I’m missing that stuff.
    Susan Jones: Love these long-ass posts!
    Thanks, love. My boss over at Showfax has asked me to cut my columns WAY down. He says no one will read anything over 1000 words (and I’ve hit a few 5000-6000 word columns lately). Ack! Definitely need to save the long rambling ones for the blog. 😉 Hee!
    Abby: Ah, those lovely bills to pay…don’t you just love it? LOL! And wow, I hope that hot tub doesn’t fall over! Great pics…thank’s for sharing!
    Thanks, Abby! Yeah, I hate paying bills. 😛 The hot tub stayed up like that for just over two weeks. It’s finally back in place now. Turns out there was a leak in the concrete casing so the downstairs condo was getting rained upon! Glad they’ve fixed it (in time for Labor Day). 😉 Hee!
    courtney: Now I know your secret to accomplishing more than is humanly possible: you never sleep! Evidently it is good for you–if you give up one 90-minute sleep cycle you could go back into hand modeling. Pretty pretty!
    Heee! I think my hands are officially retired from modeling now. They actually have aged (boooo!) and I guess I’m glad I had such a good run while it lasted. 😉 Thank you just the same, though. You’re fun.


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