2007 in Photos

This is my attempt at doing the year-end 12 of 12 without actually having done all 12 of the 12s of 12 this year. 😉

January: Bless my Rockstar Intern.

February: Keith auditions for Heroes.

March: Favorite cast. Favorite crew.

April: SAG Foundation loves me. And I love them.

May: First ever Cricket Feet Showcase. Rockstar.

June: Such gooooood-looking friends. Hee!

July: Welcome, new Cricket Feet, Inc., logo!

August: Loves me some producing action!

September: Running out of Self-Management for Actors, 2nd ed.

October: Launch of VCN and another joint venture is born.

November: Always working, but always having fun. Always.

December: I’m huge in Ireland! And I have the DVD to prove it.

What a great year! (Look for more recaps to come in the next few days. I’m using these memes as ways of procrastinating work on SMFA, 3rd ed. Hee!)

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